CivicPay Online
My Agency > Reports > Audit Trail Report
The Audit Trail Report is used to report on profile and agency fee changes in the application. Tracked information includes information such as the category of change, where the change was made, original and modified values related to the change, and who made the change. This report is accessed via the Reports page in the My Agency menu.
Filter the report data
Use the Filters options
at the top of the page to filter the changes that display in the data grid below.
The Date From and Date To fields are used to filter the changes by a specified date range.
Click the Filters button to access additional filters on the report filters screen.
The Date Range Times section is used to change the time used when filtering the report by the Date From and Date To fields accessed on the main report window. By default, these times are set to the first minute of the Date From (12:00 AM) and the last minute of the Date To (11:59 PM).
The Reference section is used to filter the changes displayed in the report.
The Category field is used to specify the type of change that will be displayed in the report. Users can filter the report to display only changes to user Profiles, only changes to Agency Fees, only changes to Recurring Batches, or all categories of changes by selecting Any.
The Account Number field is used to filter the report by a specific customer account number. This can be useful when investigating issues with changes made to specific CPO accounts.
The Affected Member field is used to filter the report by the individual member whose profile was affected as part of the tracked change. As with the Account Number field above, this filter is useful when investigating changes made to individual member profiles.
The Changed By field is used to filter the report by the individual, whether that be an agency user or a member, who made the tracked change.
- The Clear button is used to reset all filters.
- Click the Apply button to filter the audit trail changes according the criteria entered above.
- Once the changes have been filtered, the specified data filters will display across the top of the page.
- Use the column headings to sort the displayed changes.
Click the Export button
to export the filtered changes in an Excel spreadsheet or a .CSV file.