CivicPay Online
Customer Payment Portal - My Profile
The My Profile page is used by citizens to set up access information, to add payment methods to their CPO account, and to configure account and auto pay settings.
Next to the E-mail Address and Password field labels, citizens can click Update to update these elements of their profile.
When updating their e-mail address, citizens will be required to enter and confirm a valid e-mail address.
When updating their password, citizens will be required provide their current password, enter a new password, and then confirm that new password.
New passwords must be at least eight characters in length and contain some combination of three of the following four attributes: lowercase letters, uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
Citizens can click ADD PAYMENT METHOD to open the Add Payment Method page, where they can enter their credit card or ACH information and sign up for Auto Pay.
Credit Card:
Electronic Check (ACH):
Citizens will be required to provide a Payment Description and the corresponding Credit Card Information or Checking Information for the new Payment Method.
Credit card and routing number information will be validated as it is entered in order to prevent payment issues associated with miskeyed credit card or routing numbers.
Citizens can also check the Enroll in Auto Pay with this payment method toggle to sign up for Auto Pay.
Citizens who are looking for more information about Auto Pay and how it works can click Tell me more about auto pay. This will open an Auto Pay Information window that will display the Auto Pay information your organization entered in the Auto Pay Message field under My Agency> Settings> Custom Messages. Click here for more information on the Custom Messages page.
Once a citizen has entered all the required payment method details, they can click the Save button
to save the new payment method.
Citizens can click ADD ACCOUNT to add another Utility Billing account to their CPO account. As when they initially sign up for a CPO account, adding an additional account requires the house or building number and the full UB account number before the account addition can be saved.
Once a citizen has entered the required details, they can click the Save button
to save the additional account.
Citizens who manage multiple accounts will see those accounts sorted by account number in the Accounts section of the Profile page.
The default account will display in bold and include a asterisk. The default account cannot be deleted until another default account is specified.
Citizens can click EDIT next to an account in the Accounts section to open the Edit Account page. From here they can configure Paper Bill, Electronic Bill, and Auto Pay options.
When a citizen checks the Yes, I would like to activate auto payment toggle, the Auto Pay Options section will expand to display additional auto pay settings.
At the top of the expanded Auto Pay options, citizens will see a warning message directing them to pay any outstanding balances manually as they will not be included in the first auto pay payment.
The Amount To Pay section allows citizens to choose Current Charges or Total Amount Due as their payment amount option. These values are displayed at the top of Customer Payment Portal Home page.
The Payment Date section allows citizens to set up auto pay to either pay their bill on the due date or to pay their bill a specified number of days before their due date.
The number of days a citizen can select is set up on the Payment Settings page under My Agency> Settings. Click here for information on the Payment Settings page.
The Payment Method Options section allows citizens to choose an existing payment method or to set up a new payment method for auto pay.
When Use Existing Payment Method is selected, the Select Existing Payment Method section below will display all the payment methods set up on the citizen's account.
When Use New Payment Method is selected, the Citizen can select the Payment Type, enter a pay method Description, and enter the Electronic Check or Credit Card Information for the new auto pay pay method.
New routing number and credit card number details will be validated as the citizen enters them. This will prevent auto pay issues associated with miskeyed routing or credit card data.
Users who set up a credit card as the auto pay method will automatically receive card expiration notification emails 60 days, 30 days, 15 days, five days, and one day before the credit card expiration date.
Citizens can click REMOVE next to an account in the Accounts section to delete the account.
If a citizen attempts to remove the default account, a notification window will direct them to set a different account as the default account before removing the original account. There are two exceptions to this functionality:
The validation will be overridden and the default UB account can be deleted if the user profile only includes one account and the user's membership status is set to Inactive.
The validation will be overridden and the default UB account can be deleted if the user is an Admin user with Roles enabled. Admin users will be allowed to delete all UB accounts associated with their profile.
Once a citizen has configured their account and auto pay options, they can click the Save button
to save the new configurations.