CivicPay Online
My Agency > Settings > Fees
The CivicPay Online Settings pages are used to set up how your citizens will interact with your CPO site.
Fees Page
- The Fees page is used to set up convenience and service fees.
- The Convenience Fee section is used to specify a convenience fee amount that can be charged to your citizens when they submit an online payment through CPO.
- Use the Fee Amount field to specify the convenience fee value.
- Please note: Due to Visa processing rules associated with convenience fees, which prohibit charging them for recurring or installment transactions, no fees are assessed for any transactions processed through CivicPay Online Auto Pay.
- Agencies that use Municipal Payments will see two Fee Amount fields in the Convenience Fee section - one for setting the Utility Fee Amount and one for setting the Municipal Fee Amount. If a fee is not specified in the Municipal Fee Amount section, the fee amount will not be charged in Municipal Payments.
- The Service Fee section is used to add a percentage-based service fee to the bills based on the amount due on the bill.
- As stated in the Service Fee description, service fees are subject to local regulations and those regulations should be consulted before adding a service fee to your bills.
- Check the Accept Terms toggle in order to enable the Fee Percent field to the right.
- Enter the service fee percentage in the Fee Percent field.
- This fee percentage is limited to two decimal places, must be a positive value, and cannot exceed 4.00%.
- Service fees will not be applied to payments made in person or to payments submitted via auto pay or recurring payments.
- Agencies that use Municipal Payments will see two Fee Percent fields in the Service Fee section - one for setting the Utility Fee Percent and one for setting the Municipal Fee Percent. If a percentage is not specified in the Municipal Fee Percent section, the fee will not be charged in Municipal Payments.
- Enter the service fee percentage in the Fee Percent field.
- Click the Save
button once your fees selections have been made.