CivicPay Online
Edit User
The Edit User screen is used to make changes to an existing user account.
User Profile
- The User Account Information section displays the general user account details.
- The Email field displays the email address associated with the user. This is also the email address the user enters to log in to the Customer Payment Portal.
- The Active toggle is used to set the user membership to Active or Inactive.
- The user must either be assigned to one role or be linked to one utility account to be active.
- The Enrolled in Daily Settlement Summary Email toggle is used to receive an automatic daily email update with the day's settlement summary information.
- The User Actions section is used to emulate, verify, and reset user account information.
- Click the Emulate User button to emulate the current user on the Customer Payment Portal. The agency administrative member emulating the user will be able to add payment profiles, add new accounts, or edit existing accounts for the user. The agency administrative member will not be able to make a payment, edit or cancel a scheduled payment, or change the email/password associated with the user.
- Only agency administrative members with either the Edit their organizations or Manage citizen users for their organization roles are permitted to emulate users.
- Users that do not have a linked utility account cannot be emulated.
- Users associated with another agency cannot be emulated.
- Agency administrative members cannot be emulated.
- Once you are finished emulating the user, use the Exit Emulate User option in the drop-down under the username field to return to the agency admin home page.
- Click the Send Verification Email button to generate a verification email for the email address associated with the user. The user's email address must be verified before the user can sign up for Auto Pay or opt-in to receive e-bills.
- Once the user clicks the link in the verification email, the Send Verification Email button will be disabled and a green Verified check mark will appear next to the user on the Users List screen.
- Click the Send Reset Password Email button to sent an email with a reset password link to the user.
- This will not reset the user's password. The password will only be reset when the user clicks the reset link in the email.
- Passwords can only be reset for active user accounts.
- Click the Emulate User button to emulate the current user on the Customer Payment Portal. The agency administrative member emulating the user will be able to add payment profiles, add new accounts, or edit existing accounts for the user. The agency administrative member will not be able to make a payment, edit or cancel a scheduled payment, or change the email/password associated with the user.
- The Role Permissions section is used to set administrative permissions for an internal user. ATTENTION: Only agency employees with administrative rights should be granted access to these roles. Citizen accounts should NEVER be included.
- The Edit their organization toggle grants agency system administration members access to the My Agency screens, where they can edit core application settings, edit general agency details, edit citizen memberships, and generate reports. Click here for information on the My Organization screen.
- The Allows users to make payments for customers in admin toggle grants agency payment administration members access to the Take Payment screen, where they can process walk-in and telephone payments for customers. Click here for information on the Take Payment screen.
- The Manage Recurring Billing toggle grants agency payment administration members access to the Recurring Payments screens, where they can generate new recurring payment batches, view recurring payment batch history, and generate related reports. Click here for information on Recurring Payments.
- The View Payments toggle grants the agency member access to the Payments and Settlements screens. This role is required to enable membership in the daily settlement summary email. Click here for information on Payments and click here for information on Settlements.
- The Administer Payments toggle grants the agency member access to Reverse Payment functionality in the Payments screens for users who also have the View Payments role enabled.
- The Manage citizen users for their organization toggle grants the agency member access to create and maintain citizen user profiles. Administrators with this role will not have access to user profiles assigned to other agency administrators who are assigned a role.
- The Accounts section displays the billing and Auto Pay status for each account associated with the user.
- When more than one account is associate with the user, the accounts will display in numerical order.
- The default account will be displayed in bold.
- Click EDIT to open the Edit Account screen for the account selected. From here you can set up how the user receives bills and which account is the default account.
- Click REMOVE to remove the account from the user.
- The default account cannot be removed unless it is the only account associated with the user. If more than one account is associated with the user, use the EDIT button to set another account as the default before removing the selected account.
- Enter a valid Account Number and click the Link Account button to link a utility account to the user.
- Account numbers that do not exist in Springbrook or are not in the correct format cannot be linked.
- Click the Save button
when the editing process is complete.
Recent E-Bills
- The Recent E-Bills screen displays the 12 most recent electronic billing notifications that were sent to the user.
- Click SEND AGAIN to resend the e-bill to the user's email.