Cash Entry Window
Enter a Receipt
The Cash Entry window is used to enter payments on customer accounts, generate charges using Cash Receipts module type codes or category codes and create cash deposits on UB customer accounts. This document will cover entering a payment.
Payments can be received in the Cash Receipts module for charges generated in any of the other modules. For example, the Cash Receipts module is used to receive payments on Utility Billing customer accounts. Payments are entered into the Cash Entry window, which can be accessed through CR> Cash Receipts> Receipts> New, or through CR> Cash Receipts> Cash Entry. Depending on how security is set up in the Cash Receipts module, the Enter Receipts option may not be available on the Cash Receipts palette.
The Cash Entry window allows you to enter payments on all accounts attached to a customer record. For example, if a customer has UB customer accounts 000001-001, 000001-002 and 000001-003, the balance on all of those accounts can be paid on a single receipt. This also applies to accounts in other modules. For example, if a customer has multiple UB and AR module accounts, the balance on all of those accounts can be paid on a single receipt.
The Cash Entry window can also be used to enter payments on multiple customers. For example, if a customer would like to pay the balance on their own UB account and a UB account that is not in their name, you can use the Cash Entry window to generate a single receipt that pays the balance of both accounts.
The receipts/endorsements that will print when the transaction is complete depend on how the Cash Receipts module is set up. Receipts/endorsements can be attached to payment methods, type codes and set up as defaults on the Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip).
Click here for information on slip maintenance.
In order to create a receipt using the Cash Entry window, you must be set up as an operator in the Cash Receipts module (CR> Maintenance> Operator), the computer you are using must be set up as a CR module station (CR> Maintenance> Station) and you must be set up as an authorized user on the station you are logged into (CR> Maintenance> Station> Authorized Users section).
Related Links
Click here for an overview of setting up the Cash Receipts module.
Click here for an overview of Cash Receipts module security.
Click here for information on shortcuts / hotkeys on the Cash Entry window.
Step by Step

- Open a CR Cash Receipts batch or create a new batch using the New Batch window (CR> Cash Receipts> Select New from the batch drop-down menu). Click here for information on the New Batch window.
- The Cash Entry window can be opened from two separate palette options: Enter Receipts or Cash Drawer Entry.
- The Receipts item on the Cash Receipts palette will display all of the receipts that have been entered in a batch. This allows you to open and modify all of the receipts in the batch.
- Click the Show Batch Totals icon
to open an informational window that will display Cash, Check, Other, Change and Batch totals for the active receipts included in the batch. Totals will not include voided receipts.
- The Cash Entry menu item will open the Cash Entry window but only allow users to view the receipt being generated.
- Menu security (SS> Security> Menu Security) can be set up on the Cash Receipts palette to disable one of the palette options.
Receipts can be voided through both of these windows as well.
- From the Receipts window, simply click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to void a receipt that is included in the batch.
- From the Cash Entry window, the last receipt entered can be voided by clicking the Void Previous Receipt icon
- Void functionality can be secured through the Menu Security and Database Security windows.
- To allow an operator access to only the Void Previous Receipt option on the Cash Entry window, the operator must be denied access to the Enter Receipts window. This can be achieved by setting Menu Security for CR> Cash Receipts> Receipts to No Access for the desired user or user group. Click here for information on Menu Security.
- To prevent an operator from accessing void functionality entirely, Database Security for CR> CR Receipt> Void must be set to No Access for the desired user or user group. Click here for information on Database Security.
- Void functionality can be secured through the Menu Security and Database Security windows.
- From the Receipts window, simply click the Delete icon
- Highlight a receipt and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to edit an existing receipt.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to create a new receipt for the batch. This will open the Cash Entry window.

- The customer selected in the Customer Information section is the customer paying the receipt. The customer selected in this section will display on the receipt if the receipt is set up to display customer information. Selecting a customer will also populate the Cash Entry window with all of the customer accounts attached to the selected customer. For example, if customer 000005 has UB module account 000005-001 and 000005-002, selecting customer 000005 will add UB account 000005-001 and 000005-002 to the receipt. If customer account 000005-002 should not be included on the receipt, it can be removed using DELETE.
- If a customer is paying down the balance of another customer’s account, you can enter the paying customer’s information in this section if you would like that customer to display on the receipt. For example, if customer 000001 is paying down the balance on UB customer account 000008-001, you can select customer 000001 in the Customer Information section. The customer information attached to customer record 000001 will display on the receipt, not the customer information attached to customer account 000008-001.
- If you do not want to add a customer to the receipt, you can leave the Customer Information section blank. For example, if a customer is using the copy machine in the lobby you can leave the Customer Information section blank. The customer information will not display on the receipt. If you leave the Customer Information section blank you can add customer accounts to the receipt using the Category tab.
- Click the Customer Number field label to select a customer record from a list. This will open the Customer Accounts window.
- The Customer Accounts window is used to select a customer record, or a customer record and customer account. For example, if customer 000007 is paying off the balance on all their customer accounts, select only customer 000007. If customer 000007 is only paying the balance on UB customer account 000007-001, select the customer, hold down CTRL, and select UB customer account 000007-001.
- The customer information will populate in the Customer Information section after it has been selected.
- You can also scan in the customer, account and payment information. This requires that your workstation be set up to use a barcode scanner and your customer payments include a payment stub with the appropriate barcode information. Once you scan in the payment details, you can follow the steps below to edit the payment information in the same manner as a manually entered payment.
- If the Save On Scan option is selected from the Options menu above, the system will automatically save the scanned payment information. Once a payment receipt is scanned and saved, the system is ready to receive the next scanned payment. This allows you to quickly enter a large number of payments without spending time on inefficient data entry.
- If you need to scan multiple payment receipts for each account, the Save On Scan option must be off.
- The Amount entered on the receipt will default to the amount of the bill. The Pay Method on the receipt will default to the pay method set up as the default on the CR Setup window (CR> Utilities> Setup> Default Pay Method field). Click here for information on CR Setup.
- If the Save On Scan option is selected from the Options menu above, the system will automatically save the scanned payment information. Once a payment receipt is scanned and saved, the system is ready to receive the next scanned payment. This allows you to quickly enter a large number of payments without spending time on inefficient data entry.

- The Account/Category tab is used to add and remove the specific customer accounts that will be paid on the receipt.
- The Account/Category tab is also used to add a category code to a receipt.
- This tab may have populated with customer accounts based on the selection in the Customer Information section.
- Highlight a customer account and press DELETE to remove the customer account from the receipt.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu at the top of the Cash Entry window to add a new customer account to the receipt. Select Add Account from the drop-down menu and the Customer Accounts window will open.
- Select a customer account using the Customer Accounts window. You can select more than one customer account by holding down CTRL while highlighting the accounts.
- The Amount Due will display the balance on each account included on the receipt.
- The Amount to Pay column will populate with the balance of each customer account on the receipt.
- If you would like to enter a partial payment on a customer account you can enter the partial payment amount in the Amount to Pay column on the Account/Category tab or on the Detail tab.
- If you enter a partial payment on a Utility Billing module account on the Account/Category tab, the amount of the partial payment will be applied to the services attached to the UB customer account based on the UB setup. For example, UB customer account 000001-001 has a balance of $35 in service WATER, and $15 in service WASTE WATER. A partial payment of $20 is entered on the receipt. The partial payment on the UB customer account will be distributed based on the selection in the Payment Priority field on the setup window (UB> Utilities> Setup> Payment tab). If Priority then Age is selected, the partial payment will be distributed based on the services attached to the account first. The payment priority of a service is set up in the Payment Priority field on the Service Maintenance window. If the WATER service has a payment priority of 1, and the WASTE WATER service has a payment priority of 2, then the entire partial payment will be applied to the WATER service. If the WATER and WASTE WATER service have the same priority, then the partial payment will be applied based on the age of the balances in those services.
- If you enter the partial payment on the Detail tab, the partial payment will be manually distributed to each service on the receipt rather than automatically distributed based on the UB module setup.
- If you would like to enter an overpayment on a specific customer account, enter the overpayment amount in the Amount to Pay field. You can also enter overpayments on the Detail tab.
- If the customer account is a Utility Billing account, the overpayment will be applied to each customer account based on the how the UB module is set up. If Fixed Percentage is selected in the Overpayment Distribution drop-down on the Setup window (UB> Utilities> Setup> Payment tab), the overpayment will be applied based on the overpayment percentages set up on each service on the receipt. Overpayment percentages are set up on services on the Service Maintenance window (UB> Maintenance> Service> Overpay Percent field).
- If Last Bill is selected in the Overpayment Distribution drop-down menu (UB> Utilities> Setup> Payment tab), the overpayment will be applied to the receipt based on the distribution of the last bill. For example, if WATER service was $30 and WASTE WATER service was $15, 66% of the overpayment will be applied to the Water service and 33% of the overpayment will be applied to the WASTE WATER service (30/45 = 66%, and 15/45=33%).
- If you enter overpayments on the Detail tab, the overpayment will be manually applied to each service on the receipt rather than automatically distributed based on the UB module setup.
- If the account selected is a UB account in delete status, a warning message will be displayed when you attempt to save the receipt. This warning message is informational only and will not prevent you from processing the receipt.

- The Detail line item will display the detail line items on the receipt. For example, if a UB module customer account is attached to the receipt, the services (Water, electric, gas, etc.) being paid on the receipt will display as separate line items on the Detail tab.
- Highlight a detail line item and press DELETE to remove it from the receipt.
- The customer attached to each customer account will display in the Customer Number column. If there are multiple customers and customer accounts on the receipt, make sure you are modifying the correct ones.
- The Account/Category column will display the customer account number or category code used to create the detail line item.
- The Amount Due field will display the amount due on each detail line item on the receipt.
- The Amount to Pay column displays the amount that will be paid on each line item. Modify the amount in this column to apply an overpayment or partial payment to the line item. For example, if customer account 000001-001 has WATER and WASTE WATER services, but the customer only wants to make a payment on the WASTE WATER service, enter the payment amount in the line item created by the WASTE WATER service.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select Select Type to attach a type code to the receipt.
- Type codes are used to add fees to receipts. Type codes are created and maintained on the Type Code Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Type Code). Click here for information on Type Code Maintenance.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select Quick Enter Type to open the Quick Type Entry window.
- The Quick Type Entry window is an alternate way of attaching a type code to a receipt while minimizing data entry. Click here for information on the Quick Type Entry window.
- Click the Add Credit/Deposit icon
drop-down menu and select Add New Credit or Deposit. This will open the Add Credit/Deposit window.
- Credits and deposits can only be added to AR, BP and LP accounts. In order to populate the Account/Category tab below with the appropriate AR, BP or LP account, open the Search tab and click an AR, BP or LP number field label to select the account from a list.
- Select a Tran Type from the drop-down menu to specify what type of fee you will be adding to the account.
- Select CreditCash to add a credit fee to the account.
- Select Deposit to add a deposit fee to the account.
- Enter a Fee Code or click the field label to choose one from a list. Fees contain the detail information for each line item. Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
- If Fee Selection window does not display any available fee codes for the selected transaction type, you will need to create an appropriate fee code before proceeding.
- Enter an Amount for the credit or deposit fee.
- Click the Save icon
to add the credit or deposit fee to the Detail tab.
- Click the Delete icon
to remove the selected credit or deposit.
- Click the Add Credit/Deposit icon
drop-down menu and select BP Permitting to create a Building Permits application or permit. This will open the BP Permit Maintenance window. Click here for information on the CR BP Permitting window.
- Click the Add Credit/Deposit icon
drop-down menu and select Calculate BT Interest to apply interest to any BT line items with outstanding balances listed on the Account/Category tab. This will create a new line item on the Detail tab that displays the interest amount applied to the BT outstanding balance.
- The interest amount is determined by the Interest Fee that is attached to the BT return Tax Type.
- Interest Fees are created and maintained on the Fee Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Fee). Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
- Interest Fees are then attached to Tax Types on the Tax Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Tax Type> Interest Code field). Click here for information on Tax Type Maintenance.
- This option will not be enabled if the Automatically calculate interest in CR toggle is checked on the BT Setup window (BT> Utilities> Setup). Click here for information on the BT Setup window.
- The interest amount is determined by the Interest Fee that is attached to the BT return Tax Type.
- Click the Add Credit/Deposit icon
drop-down menu and select LP Licensing to create a new license or application or to renew an existing license. Click here for information on the LP Licensing window.
- Click the Add Credit/Deposit icon
drop-down menu and select SA Pay Down Assessment to create a new assessment pay down on an assessment highlighted in the Account/Category section below. Click here for information on creating an SA pay down.
- Click the Pay With Terminal icon
to accept a credit card payment on the receipt. Click here for information on credit card payments.

- The Messages/Notes tab is used to enter optional information on the receipt.
- Information entered into the Message 1 through Message 5 fields will only display on the receipt if those fields have been added to the receipt. The Message 1 though Message 5 fields are added to a receipt using the Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip).
- The Notes field will not display on the receipt.

- The Total Due field in the Receipt Information section will display the total amount due on the receipt based on the total of the receipt line items included on the receipt. If this amount is incorrect, adjust the amounts of the detail line items using the Detail tab.
- The Payments section is used to enter the payment on the receipt. If the customer is using multiple payment types on a single receipt you can create as many line items in this section. For example, if the customer would like to pay in cash and check, you can enter a cash line item and a check line item in the Payments section.
- Enter a payment amount in the Amount column.
- Select the Pay Method from the drop-down menu.
- Payment methods are created and maintained in CR> Maintenance> Pay Method.
- If you are using a pay method that has an associated cash override account, no other pay methods can be used on the receipt.
- If you are processing a counter receipt through a credit card terminal, see the Credit Card Terminal Payments topic for details.
- The Reference field can be used to enter reference information on the payment line item, such as a check number. This is an optional field and can be used to filter the receipts that display in the Display Receipts window (CR> Maintenance> Display Receipts).
- Press TAB to create the payment line item.
- If you would like to delete a payment line item, select the entire line item and press DELETE.
- The Total Payments field in the Receipt Information section will display the total amount of payment line items.
- If the Total Payments is greater than the Total Due, the Change Owed field will display the amount of change that should be returned to the customer.
- If the customer would like to apply the Change Owed amount to the customer account, increase the amount of a receipt line item on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window by the change amount. For example, if a customer is owed $1.75 of change and they would like to apply that to the WATER service on their UB customer account, increase the Amount Due on the WATER service on the Detail tab.

- Enter a Receipt Number in the Receipt Information section. The Receipt Number field will be disabled and the receipt number will populate automatically when the receipt is saved if the Cash Receipts module is set up to auto-number receipts.
- The Cash Receipts module is set up to auto-number cash receipts in CR> Utilities> Setup> Auto Number Receipts toggle.
- Enter the receipt date in the Date field. This field will default to the current date.
- Press ENTER to save the receipt when complete.
- The receipts that will print depend on how the Cash Receipts module is set up.
- If the Automatically Print Receipt on Save toggle is checked (UB> Maintenance> Operator> Maintenance section), the receipt printer will print all receipts and endorsements set up as default slips on the Slip Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Slip> Default Slip toggle), all slips attached to payment methods used on the receipt (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method> Slips section), and slips attached to any type code attached to the receipt.
- If the Automatically Print receipt on save toggle is not checked on the Operator Maintenance window, the receipt printer will only print out the slips that are attached to the payment type, and type codes on the receipt.
- The cash drawer will open automatically when the receipt is saved if the Open cash drawer after save toggle is checked on the Operator
Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Operator). If the cash drawer does not open automatically, you can click the Open Cash Drawer icon
to open it manually.

- Click the Audit Trail
icon to open the Cash Receipts Audit Trail window.
- The Audit Trail window is used to track any changes made to the receipt record.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit history.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the receipt record including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.

- Click the Attachments icon
to add or maintain any attachments associated with the receipt. This will launch the Attachments Maintenance window. Click here for information on attachments.