IC> Inventory Transactions> Import Transactions
Import Inventory Transactions
From the Import Transactions window, you can import transaction information from a .csv file into an Inventory Transactions batch.
Related Links
Click here for information on Entering Inventory Transactions.
Click here for information on processing an Inventory Transaction batch.
Step by Step
1 Create an Inventory Transactions batch.
- Select the Inventory Transactions palette in IC> Inventory Transactions. This will expand the Inventory Transactions palette and display the steps of the batch process.
- Modify an existing batch or create a new Inventory Transaction batch.
- Select a batch number from the drop-down menu at the top of the palette to select an existing batch.
- Select New from the Inventory Transactions batch number drop-down menu to create a new batch. This will open the New Batch window. Click here for information on the New Batch window.
- Enter a Batch Month and Batch Year. These fields will default to the current calendar period and calendar year. These values are used for reference only, and are not necessary the fiscal month and year the transactions in the batch will be posted to. The fiscal period the transactions are posted to is determined by the journal Entry date entered when creating the GL Distribution List report.
- Type in a batch number and click the Save icon or hit ENTER to create a batch in the current batch month and year.
You can also click the Generate icon to create a batch with the next available batch number (the highest batch number used in the present month plus one).
- The batch number is used to identify a specific batch. Batch numbers are limited to five digits and must be unique with the batch month of the batch year.
- You can have more than one open batch in a process at a time.
- You can delete batches by selecting a batch and pressing the DELETE key. However, if the batch was created by another process, such as a committed PO Receiving batch, your ability to delete the batch will be limited.
2 Import inventory transactions.
- The Import Inventory Transactions (IC> Inventory Transactions> Import) window is used to import inventory transactions into the batch.
- Enter the path to the import file in the File Name field or click the field label to browse to the file.
- Click the Display Format icon on the Import Transaction window to open the File Layout window and display the expected format of the imported .csv file. Click here for information on the File Layout window.
- Click the Confirm icon to import the transactions immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Confirm icon to schedule the import to process at a later time. You can view the progress of the import on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs).
- This will import the transactions into the batch and create a new line item on the Enter Transaction window.
- You will not be able to import an issue type IC transaction that is attached to an IC location that is not set up on the inventory item.
3 Calculate the inventory transaction values.
- Open the Calculate Values window (IC> Inventory Transactions> Calculate Values).
- The Calculate Values step will generate the new inventory values that will result from committing the batch.
- Click the Confirm icon to calculate the transaction values.
- You will be notified of errors resulting from the calculation process and prompted to open detailed error messages in the jobs viewer.