AR> Maintenance> Billing Cycles
Billing Cycle Maintenance
The Billing Cycle Maintenance window is used to create and maintain billing cycles. A billing cycle is a group of customer accounts that should be billed in the same billing batch. Many of the Accounts Receivable module reports can be filtered by billing batch.
Related Links
Click here for information on Account Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the existing Billing Cycles.

- Open the Billing Cycle Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Billing Cycles).
- Click the Delete icon
to delete a billing cycle. You cannot delete billing cycles that are attached to AR accounts.
- Click on the Create icon
to add a new billing cycle.
2 Create a Billing Cycle.

- Enter a billing cycle code in the Billing Cycle field. This code must be three numeric characters. This field will not be available for editing after the billing cycle has been saved.
- Enter a description in the Description field. The Description can be up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
- Click on the Save icon
or press ENTER to save the billing cycle.