AR> Maintenance> Payment Priorities
Payment Priorities Maintenance
Payment priority codes determine the order in which fees are paid. Fees attached to higher priority level will be paid in full before fees attached to lower priority levels. If there is not enough money to pay a certain level of priority, the system will allocate the payment across all the fees with the same priority level.
Related Links
Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Payment Priority Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Payment Priorities).

- The Payment Priority Maintenance window will display a list of all the payment priority codes created in the application.
- Click the Delete icon
to delete a payment priority code. You cannot delete payment priority codes that are attached to existing fees.
- Click on the Create icon
to add a new payment priority code.
2 Create a Payment Priority Code.

- Enter a payment priority code in the Code field. This Code can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters. This field will not be enabled and available for editing after the payment priority code has been saved.
- Enter a description in the Description field. The Description can be up to 60 alphanumeric characters.
- Enter a Priority for the code. The priority can range from 00, the highest priority, to 99, the lowest priority.
- Click on the Save icon
or press ENTER to save the payment priority code.