AR> Maintenance> Account
Create a Recurring Invoice
Recurring Invoices can be set up for fees that are billed on a recurring basis. Follow this process to create a recurring invoice. Once the recurring invoice is created, it can be used to generate individual invoices through the AR Invoices batch process.
Related Links
Click here for information on generating recurring invoices.
Click here for information on Recurring Group Maintenance.
Click here for information on Account Maintenance.
Step by Step

- Open the Account Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Account).
- Open the Recurring Invoices tab and click the Create icon
to open the Recurring Invoice Maintenance window.

- The Recurring Invoice Maintenance window will display the account information associated with the account you have open.
- Enter a recurring group code in the Group field or click the field label to choose one from a list. This is a required field.
- Recurring groups are created and maintained in the Recurring Group Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Recurring Groups). Click here for information on Recurring Group Maintenance.
- Enter a Day of Month Due between the 1st and the 31st.
- This is the due date that will automatically populate the Due Date field when the recurring invoice is included in an AR Invoices batch.
- Enter a Reference Number. This is an optional field and is used for tracking purposes.
- Enter an optional Description. The description can be up to 512 alphanumeric characters long and will print as an overall description for the invoice when invoices are generated.
- If the customer is eligible for an early payment discount, fill in the Discount Start and Discount End fields.

- Click the Create icon
to open the Recurring Invoice Fee Maintenance window.
- Enter a Fee Code or click the field label to open the Fee Selection window.
- Only Standard and Tax fee types can be attached to a recurring invoice. Deposit and Penalty fee types will not display in the selection window.
- The Fee Type, Description and Unit Type fields will automatically populate with the fee information, but you can edit the Description field for this specific recurring invoice fee.
- Fees are created and maintained on the Fee Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Fee). Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
- Enter a Number of Units if the fee is a unit-based fee.
- The system will calculate the amount to assess based on the number of units specified and the rate tier structure set up on the Fee Maintenance window.
- If you specify the Number of Units for the fee, you will not be able to specify a flat amount in the Amount field below.
- Enter an Amount for the fee.
- If a fixed amount was specified when the selected fee was created, the Amount field will automatically populate with that value (AR> Maintenance> Fee> Fixed Amount field). This value can be edited for each individual recurring invoice.
- If you specify a flat amount for the fee, you will not be able to specify the Number of Units.
- Enter a Discount Amount if you specified a date range for offering a discount.
- Repeat this process to add additional fees to the recurring invoice.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.

- Once the Recurring Invoices tab is complete, the account can be included in a Recurring Invoices batch (AP> Invoices> Recurring). Click here for information on generating recurring invoices.