AR> Utilities> Setup
Set up the Accounts Receivable Module
Follow this process to set up the Accounts Receivable module.
Step by Step
1 Open the AR Setup window (AR> Utilities> Setup).
2 Configure the module on the Settings tab.

- Enter a Credit Fee or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The specified credit fee will be used in the AR Adjustments process. When an adjustment or transfer results in a credit, that credit will be directed to the account associated with the credit fee.
- Fees are created and maintained on the Fee Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Fees). Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
- The Verify no credit used for invoice toggle has not yet been implemented.
- Check the Print Barcodes on invoices toggle to include barcodes on Accounts Receivable invoices. Invoices can be scanned in from CR> Cash Receipts> Enter receipts and the accounts receivable account will open with all unpaid invoices.
- Check the Auto-generate taxes on invoices toggle if you want tax fees automatically added to invoices containing taxable fee codes when they are added to an invoice in AR> Invoices> Edit Invoices.
- If you do not check this toggle, tax fees will be automatically added to invoices containing taxable fee codes when you generate the invoices in AR> Invoices> Generate, but will not be added when they are added in AR> Invoices> Enter Invoices.
- Check the PM Interface toggle if you will be using the Project Management module in conjunction with Accounts Receivable.
- This will allow Project Management data attached to Accounts Receivable fees to accumulate in the Project Management module. It will also add Project Management distribution reports to the Adjustments, Credits and Deposits, Invoices, Past Dues, and Refunds processes. Click here for information on attaching PM data to AR fees.
- Check the CH Interface toggle if you will be processing direct debits on AR customer accounts.
- This will enable the CH Info tab on the Account Maintenance window (AR> Maintenance> Account> CH Info tab). Click here for information on AR Account Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when the setup is complete.
3 Track any changes made to the AR Setup window.

- Click the Audit Trail icon
to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.