BP> Adjustments
Reverse a Transaction
Once charges have been generated or payments have been processed, these transactions can be adjusted in the Building Permits module using the Adjustments process (BP> Adjustments).
The Adjustments process also allows you to enter adjustments on BP module accounts. This allows you to enter adjustments before transactions have been recorded or a permit has even been created.
Follow this process to create a reversal adjustment.
Related Links
Click here for information on committing an adjustments batch.
Step by Step
1 Open or create an adjustments batch.

- Select the Adjustments palette in BP> Adjustments. This will expand the Adjustments palette and display the steps of the Adjustments batch process.
- Modify an existing batch or create a new Adjustments batch.
- Select a batch number from the drop-down menu at the top of the Adjustments palette to select an existing batch.
- Select New from the Adjustments batch number drop-down menu to create a new batch. This will open the New Batch window. Click here for information on the New Batch window.
- Click here for general information on processing batches.
- If there are open batches in the Adjustments process, you can create a new batch without affecting the open batches.
- Enter a Batch Month and Batch Year. These fields default to the current calendar period and are for reference only. The fiscal period of the transactions in the batch is determined by the Journal Entry Date entered during the Generate step.
- Click the Generate icon
to populate the Batch Number field with the next available batch number. Batch numbers are limited to five digits and must be unique within the batch month of the batch year.
- You can also manually create a new batch by entering a Batch Number and clicking the Save icon
- You can also manually create a new batch by entering a Batch Number and clicking the Save icon
- Highlight the batch in the batch number drop-down menu on the Adjustments palette and press DELETE to delete a batch. Any uncommitted adjustments in the batch will be deleted.
2 Generate the adjustments batch.

- Open the Generate window (BT> Adjustments> Generate).
- The Generate step is used to select which business accounts will be included in the Adjustments batch. After the Adjustments batch has been generated, the Edit step allows you to remove individual business accounts from the Adjustments batch. After the Adjustments batch has been generated, returning to the Generate step and regenerating the batch will overwrite the business accounts already included in the batch.
- The Settings section of the Generate window allows you to filter the businesses that are included in the batch.
- The Tax Type field is used to select which tax types will be included in the batch. By default none of the toggles are checked.
- Tax types are created and maintained in the Tax Type Selection window (BT> Maintenance> Tax Type). Click here for information on Tax Type maintenance.
- The Status field is used to select which statuses are included in the batch. By default all of the toggles are selected.
- Statuses are created and maintained in the Status Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Status). Click here for information on Status maintenance.
- The Balance Type drop-down menu is used to select the balance types to include in the batch.
- Select All to include all balance types in the batch.
- Select Credits to include only credits in the batch.
- Select Returns and Penalties to include only returns and penalties in the batch.
- The Maximum Balance field is used to limit the accounts included in the batch by maximum balance. This field has a $1,000,000 limit.
- The Tran Date From and Tran Date To fields are used to filter the accounts that will be included in the batch by transaction date.
- The Tran Date field is used to select the transaction date of the adjustment. This field will populate with the current date.
- Click the Confirm icon
to generate the adjustments.
3 Enter or edit the reversal adjustments.

- Open the Select Adjustments window (BP> Adjustments> Edit).
- The Select Adjustments window will display all of the adjustments in the open batch.
- Highlight an adjustment and click the Delete icon
to remove the selected adjustment from the batch.
- Click the Create icon
to open the Adjustment Wizard.
- Select Reversal from the Adjustment Type drop-down menu.
- Select a Transaction Type for the new reversal.
- Select CreditCash to reverse a credit on the account.
- Select Payment to reverse an existing payment.
- Select Penalty to reverse an assessed penalty.
- Specify a Transaction Date for the adjustment.
- The Transaction Date does not affect the date that the journal entries are posted to the general ledger. The journal entry date is determined when the GL Distribution report is processed.
- Enter a Reference Number and Description for the adjustment. This information is not required.
- Click the Application Number or Permit Number field to select the account that the reversal will affect.
- Only one of these needs to be specified, as the system will automatically populate the other field with the related permit or application number.
- You will receive an error message if the selected application or permit does not contain the transaction type you are attempting to reverse.
- Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.
4 Select and reverse the transaction.

- The following window will display all of the CreditCash, Payment or Penalty transactions that can be reversed.
- You cannot reverse a transaction that has other pending transactions associated with it or a transaction that has already been reversed.
- Highlight the desired transaction and click the Next button.
- The following window will display the reversal details.
- Click the Add button if you would like to attach a penalty fee to the account while reversing a transaction. This is often used when assessing an NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) penalty while reversing a payment transaction.
- Click the Finish button to close the Adjustment Wizard and return to the Select Adjustments window.