BP> Maintenance> Permit Setup
Set up the Permit Layout
The Permit Setup Maintenance window is used to set up how the printed permit will be displayed.
Related Links
Click here for information on uploading a logo.
Click here for information on Permit Maintenance.
Click here for information on Lot Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Permit Setup Selection window (BP> Maintenance> Permit Setup).

- The Permit Setup Selection window will display all of the Permit Setups that have been created in the application.
- Highlight a permit setup and click the Delete icon
to delete the selected permit setup.
- Highlight a permit setup and click the Modify icon
to edit the selected permit setup.
- Click the Create icon
to create a new permit setup. This will open the Permit Setup Maintenance window.
2 Create a new Permit Setup.

- Enter a unique Code for the permit setup. Once the Permit Setup is saved, you will not be able to edit the Code field.
- This code can be up to 10 alphanumeric characters long.
- Enter a Description for the new permit setup. This Description will appear on the Permit Setup Selection window.
- The Description can be up to 60 characters long.
- The Logo Location is used to specify the path for your uploaded organization logo.
- Logos are uploaded to the application on the SS Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup). Click here for information on uploading a logo.
- The Logo Options and City Options fields are used to specify how the city information and the optional logo will be displayed on the printed permit.
- Enter the desired Office Hours that will appear on the permit.
- Select a Print Fees option from the drop-down menu.
- Select All on Permit to include every fee attached to the permit on the printed version of the permit.
- Select None to create a printed permit that does not display any of the fees attached to the permit.
- Select Only Fees with values to limit the fees included on the printed permit to those fees that create a billable line item on the permit record.
- Select a Print Valuations from the drop-down menu.
- You must either include all or exclude all valuations on the printed permit.
- Check the Print Subcontractors toggle to include all contractors attached to the permit on the Subcontractor tab.
- Check the Print Total Due toggle to include the outstanding balance on the printed permit.
- This amount is pulled from the Permit Balance field (BP> Maintenance> Permit> open a permit> General tab> Permit Balance field).
3 Complete the Comments and Field List tabs.

- The Header and Footer fields are used to create the header and footer that will appear on the printed report.
- The Header will appear below the primary permit information. The Footer will appear at the bottom of the printed permit.
- These fields can be up to 512 characters long.
- The Field List tab is used to specify which permit details will be included on the printed permit.
- Check the toggle next to each field that you would like to include on the permit. Use the Select All
and Deselect All
icon drop-down menus to select or deselect multiple groups of fields.
- Check the toggle next to each field that you would like to include on the permit. Use the Select All
- Click the Save icon
when complete.
- Once the Permit Setup is saved, it can be used as a printed permit template when printing BP permits (BP> Maintenance> Permit> open a permit> Print icon
). Click here for information on Permit Maintenance.