BP> Maintenance> Permit Types
Create Permit Types in BP
A Permit Type is a collection of approval steps, fee codes, forms, and other miscellaneous information that are all used in conjunction with a particular type of permit. By creating a number of permit types, you can attach the permit type to each new permit you create instead of having to attach approval steps, fee codes, forms, and other info to each new permit created. The use of Permit Types makes the creation of permits more efficient.
Unlike permits, permit types are not date specific. When you create a new application or permit from a permit type, the current revision for the fees or valuations attached to the permit type will be used on the new permit. This simplifies annual price increases by allowing you to update the costs associated with specific permits at the fee and valuation unit level. If you do edit a permit type, any applications or permits that were created from that permit type will not be automatically updated to reflect those changes.
If you have not created the forms, valuations and fee codes that you would like attach to the permit type, you can always add them after you have created the permit type. You can also remove details automatically populated by the permit type on a permit by permit basis.
Related Links
Click here for information on Permit Maintenance.
Click here for information on Valuation Unit Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
Click here for information on Inspection Type Maintenance.
Step by Step

- The Select Permit Types window will display all of the existing permit types in the database. Enter permit type information in the Search Criteria section and click the Refresh icon
to filter the displayed permit types.
- Highlight a permit type and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to delete the selected permit type.
- You cannot delete a permit type that is attached to an existing permit.
- Highlight a permit type and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to edit the selected permit type.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to add a new permit type. This will open the Permit Type Maintenance window.

- Enter a unique Permit Type code for the new permit type. This field can be up to 16 characters long.
- Once the permit type is saved, this field cannot be edited.
- Enter a Description for the permit type.
- The permit type description is meant to describe the permit type only. It will not transfer to any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- This field can be up to 30 characters long.
- Enter a Permit Class for the new permit type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- Permit classes are used to classify permit types and are created and maintained in the Permit Class Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Permit Class). Click here for information on Permit Class Maintenance.
- The Auto Number field is used to determine if any permits generated from this permit type will be automatically numbered or manually numbered.
- If No is selected, the user will be required to enter a unique permit number for every permit generated from this permit type.
- If Yes is selected, the permit number created for each permit generated from this permit type will be determined by two things:
- The first part of the permit number will be the prefix entered in the Auto Number Prefix field below.
- The second part of the permit number will be the next available number with the number of digits specified on the BP Setup window (BP> Utilities> Setup> Auto-Numbering Digits fields). Click here for information on the BP Setup window.
- An example auto-numbering format for residential building permit would be RES-10-0001 (RES for Residential and 10 for 2010). In order to use this format, you would enter "RES-10-" in the Auto Number Prefix field and "4" in the BP Setup> Business Auto-Numbering Digits field.
- Enter a Status on Application for the new permit type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- This field will determine the initial status of any application created from this permit type. This status may change as inspection type steps are completed.
- Permit statuses are created and maintained on the Permit Status Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Permit Status). Click here for information on Permit Status Maintenance.
- Enter a Status on Permit for the new permit type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- This field will determine the initial status of any permit created from this permit type. This status may change as inspection type steps are completed.
- Enter a Customer Number to associate with the permit type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The Customer Name field will populate with the name associated with the selected customer number.
- Specify the Duration and Duration Units for the permit type.
- This will determine the duration of any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Enter a Permit Setup Code or click the field label to attach a permit setup code to the permit. This will determine how the permit is displayed when it is printed.
- Permit setup codes are created and maintained on the Permit Setup Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Permit Setup). Click here for information on Permit Setup Maintenance.
- Check the Notification toggle to add the specified customer to the notification list.
- When any application or permit created from this permit type is included in a BP Letters batch, the Customer will receive the specified form letter.
- Enter a Permit Description for the new permit type.
- This description will populate the Permit Description field on any applications or permits created from this permit type.
- This field can be up to 500 characters.
- Enter a Permission Description for the new permit type.
- This description will populate the Permission Description field on any applications or permits created from this permit type.
- This field can be up to 500 characters.
- The General Contractor section is used to specify the default general contractor for the permit type. Additional contractors can be added to the permit type on the Subcontractor tab.
- Enter the general contractor's Last Name or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The First Name, Company Name, Cell Phone, Business Phone, and Fax fields will populate with the information attached to the selected general contractor.
- If the expiration date associated with the contractor's local license, bond, or insurance is prior to today's date, an error message will display.
- General contractors are created and maintained on the Contractor Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Contractor). Click here for information on Contractor Maintenance.
- Use the Clear icon
to remove a general contractor from the tab.

- The Valuation tab will display all of the existing valuations associated with the permit type.
- Only the Unit Type and Unit Measurement will be displayed when a valuation is added to a permit type.
- The valuation Unit Cost is determined on the Valuation Unit Type Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Valuation Unit Type) and will automatically populate the current unit cost revision when an application or permit is created from the permit type. Click here for information on Valuation Unit Type Maintenance.

- The Fee tab is used to attach fees to the permit type. These fees will automatically populate the Fees tab of any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Because permit types are not date-dependent, revision-based fees will not display fee amounts. When the permit type is used to create an application or permit, the system will populate the fee amounts based on the current revision for each fee.
- Click the Create icon
to open the Fee Selection window and add a fee to the tab.
- When attaching fee based fees to the permit type, you will be prompted to attach the source fee as well.
- Tax fees associated with an attached fee will not display on the permit type. They will automatically populate the Fees tab when the permit type is used to create an application or permit.
- Use the Used By field to specify the state in which the fee will be assessed.
- If the Used By value is set to Permit, the fee will be assessed when the permit type is used to create a permit directly or when an application that is created from the permit type is converted into a permit.
- If the Used By value is set to Application, and the permit type is used to directly create a permit bypassing the application state, the fee will still be assessed.
- Click the Delete icon
to remove a fee from the tab.
- Because the Building Permits module is a cash-based system, you will be able to directly edit attached fees on the Fee tab of any application or permit created from the permit type. Any attached fees that calculate their assessed amounts based on other fees, such as fee based or tax fees, will automatically update to reflect the changes to their source fees.
- Fees are created and maintained on the Fee Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Fee). Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.

- The Inspection tab is used to attach inspection types to the permit type. These inspection types will automatically populate any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Inspection to open the Inspection Type Selection window and add a new inspection type to the data grid below.
- Inspection types are attached to permits in order to assign inspection tasks, track inspection progress, apply fees to the application or permit, and automatically update the permit status. Inspection types are created and maintained on the Inspection Type Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Inspection Type). Click here for information on Inspection Type Maintenance.
- The Step Number and Inspection Type fields will automatically populate with the details attached to the selected inspection type.
- If multiple inspection steps should be started at the same time, assign the same step number to those steps.
- Enter an Inspector to assign to the inspection type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- If a default inspector is specified on the inspection type, that inspector will populate this field.
- Inspectors are Springbrook users that are set up with availability schedules on the User Schedule Setup window (SS> Maintenance> User Schedule). Click here for information on the User Schedule Setup window.
- The Scheduled Duration field will automatically populate with the duration specified on the selected inspection type.
- Enter any appropriate Inspection Notes on the inspection type. This field can be up to 500 characters.
- Check the Completed by Applicant and Internal toggles to categorize the inspection type for reporting purposes.
- These toggles are for informational purposes only. You can use these toggles to mark certain inspection types as completed by applicant or internal steps and then use the status of these toggles to filter inspections types, applications, and permits included in reporting batches.
- These toggles are for informational purposes only. You can use these toggles to mark certain inspection types as completed by applicant or internal steps and then use the status of these toggles to filter inspections types, applications, and permits included in reporting batches.
- The Contacts section is used to attach contacts to the inspection type.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select New Inspection Contact to add a contact to the inspection type.
- Contacts are created and maintained on the Contact Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Contact Type). Click here for information on Contact Maintenance.
- Click the Create icon
- Use the Up
and Down
icons to reorder the inspection type.

- The Approval tab allows you to attach approval steps to the permit type. When the selected permit type is attached to a new permit, the approval steps will automatically populate on the new permit.
- Approval types are created and maintained on the Approval Type Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Approval Type). Click here for information on Approval Type Maintenance.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select Add Approval to open the Approval Type Selection window.
- The Approval Type Selection window will display all of the approval types created in the BP module. Select an approval type and click the Confirm icon
to return to the Approval tab.
- The Approval Type Selection window will display all of the approval types created in the BP module. Select an approval type and click the Confirm icon
- Each approval type attached to the permit type constitutes a new approval step. These approval steps can be set up to notify a particular user, update the permit status, apply a fee or attach an alert code to the permit when the step is approved or failed.
- If multiple approval steps should be started at the same time, assign the same step number to those steps.
- Click the Create icon
drop-down menu and select Add Approval Contact to add a contact to the approval step.
- Contacts are created and maintained on the Contact Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Contact Type). Click here for information on Contact Maintenance.
- Use the Up
and Down
icons to reorder the approval steps.

- The Subcontractor tab allows you to attach additional contractors to the permit type. These subcontractors will populate any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to add a new subcontractor to the tab. This will open the Contractor Selection window.
- Highlight the contractor you would like to attach to the permit type and click the Confirm icon
. Because permit types are not date-dependent, you will not be alerted if the selected contractor record includes expired licenses.
- Highlight the contractor you would like to attach to the permit type and click the Confirm icon
- Highlight a subcontractor and click the Modify icon
or press ENTER to edit the selected subcontractor.
- Highlight a subcontractor and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to remove the selected subcontractor from the tab.
- Enter any optional Notes that should be attached to the subcontractor.

- The Contacts tab allows you to insert and store information about individuals who are associated with the permit type. These contacts will populate any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Click the Create icon
to attach a new contact to the permit type. This will open the Contacts selection window.
- Select a contact and click the Confirm icon
to attach a contact to the permit type.
- Select a contact and click the Confirm icon
- Highlight a contact and click the Delete icon
to remove the selected contact.
- Check the Notification toggle if the contact should receive a copy of any form letters generated when a resulting application or permit is included in a BP Letters batch.
- Contacts are created and maintained on the Contact Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Contact Type). Click here for information on Contact Maintenance.

- The Forms tab will display any forms attached to the permit type.
- Click the Create icon
and select one of the available form letters to attach that form letter to the permit type.
- Check the Print toggle to indicate that the added form will be printed when the permit type is used to generate an application or permit in the Cash Receipts module.
- Forms are created and maintained on the Forms Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Forms). Click here for information on Forms Maintenance.

- The Comments tab allows you to insert and store comments about the permit type.
- Click the Create icon
to add a comment code to the permit type. This will open the Comment Code Selection window.
- Highlight a comment code and click the Confirm icon
to attach the code to the account.
- Enter a detailed comment in the Comment field. This is an optional field and can be up to 512 alphanumeric characters long.
- The Date Created field will default to today's date.
- The Date Closed field will only be available once the permit type is used to create an application or permit.
- Highlight a comment code and click the Confirm icon
- Comment codes are created and maintained on the Comment Code Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Comment Code). Click here for information on Comment Code Maintenance.

- The Miscellaneous tab allows you to build your own tables of data if there is information you want to track. This information is optional and user-defined. Any information entered into the miscellaneous fields will populate the miscellaneous fields on the applications and permits created from the permit type.
- Miscellaneous field labels are maintained on the Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels). Click here for information on Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when complete to save the new permit type.

- Click the Audit Trail icon
to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit history.
- The Audit Trail section will provide details about any changes made to the permit type record including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- The permit type audit trail will not be transferred to any applications or permits created from the permit type.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.