BP> Utilities> Setup
Set up the Building Permits Module
Follow this process to set up the Building Permits module.
Related Links
Click here for information on Permit Maintenance.
Click here for information on scheduling inspections.
Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
Click here for information on Contractor Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Building Permits Setup window (BP> Utilities> Setup).
2 Set up the BP module.

- The Auto Numbering Digits is used to specify how new building permits will be automatically numbered.
- The Scheduling field is used to activate the Springbrook Scheduling system.
- The Springbrook Scheduling system is used to quickly schedule permit inspections and assign them to inspectors.
- The Days Before and Days After fields are used to specify how long an appointment will display on the user schedule calendar. For example, if 30 days is specified for both fields, appointments will display on a user's calendar 30 days before and 30 days after the actual appointment.
- These fields will only be enabled if the Springbrook Scheduling system is activated above.
- The user schedule calendar is accessible when scheduling inspections from the Permit Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Permit> open a permit> Inspection tab> Schedule Appointment icon
). Click here for information on scheduling inspections.
- The Credit Fee field is used to select a credit fee type. This is a required, user-defined fee that is that is used to direct overpayments to the appropriate account.
- Click the field label to open the fee selection window. If the window does not display a credit fee, you will need to create a credit fee on the Fee Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Fee). Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.
- Check the Warn when affecting fee amounts toggle to show a warning message when a change is made to a fee, project cost, or valuation that will cause the amount associated with another fee to change.
- Check the Include permit number in the charge descriptions toggle to display the permit number in the Cash Receipts charge description field.
- Check the Auto attach customer on permits toggle if you would like a customer to be automatically attached to a permit when a lot is attached to a permit.
- Check the Validate units and fees toggle to validate that units and fees have positive values.
- Do not check this toggle if your organization uses zero-dollar or zero-unit fees to pre-populate applications and permits.
- Check the Only allow LP License for Local License toggle to limit the licenses that can be associated with BP Contractors to licenses created in the Licenses and Permits Module.
- Licenses are attached to contractors on the Contractor Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Contractor> open a contractor> Local License field). Click here for information on Contractor Maintenance.
- Check the Print customer number on permit toggle to include the customer number on the printed permit. The Customer Number field will display below the Site Address field on the permit.
- Click the Save icon
when the setup is complete.
3 Track any changes made to the BP Setup window.

- Click the Audit Trail icon
to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit trail.
- The Audit Trail History section will provide details about any changes made to the setup window including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.