BR> Reports> Outstanding Transactions
Outstanding Transactions Report
The Outstanding Transactions Report is the most flexible report in the Bank Reconciliation module because it displays a listing of all transactions in the module.
The Outstanding Transactions Report will include cleared checks and deposits if the Include cleared checks toggle is checked. The transactions in an open Clear Transactions batch (BR> Clear Transactions) are not cleared until they have been committed using the Commit step.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
Click here for information on the View Reports window.
Click here for information on the Report Publisher.
Step by Step
1 Open the Outstanding Transactions window (BR> Reports> Outstanding Transactions).

- Select the bank accounts you would like to include in the report in the Bank Accounts field. Only transactions on selected bank accounts will display on the report.
- Press CTRL+A to highlight all of the bank accounts in the field. Press SPACE to check or uncheck all of the selected toggles.
- Bank accounts are created using the Bank Account Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Bank Account).
- Enter a date range in the Check Date From and Check Date To fields to filter the transactions that display on the report by check date.
- Deposits will be included on the report if All or Deposits is selected in the Transaction Type drop-down menu. If you include deposits on the report, the deposit date will be used as the check date.
- The deposit date is entered on deposits created in the Receipt Deposits process during the Select Batches step (BR> Receipt Deposits> Select Batches> Deposit Date field). The deposit date is entered on deposits created in the Enter Deposits window in the Deposit Date field (BR> Utilities> Enter Deposits> Deposit Date field).
- Enter a check number in the Check Number From and Check Number To fields to filter the checks that display on the report by check number. Deposits do not have check numbers, so the values entered in these fields will not affect the deposits that display on the report.
- Select the type of transactions you would like to include in the report in the Transaction Type drop-down menu.
- Select All if you would like to include deposits and checks on the report.
- Select Checks if you would like to include only checks on the report.
- Select Deposits if only deposits created in the Receipt Deposits or Enter Deposits window (BR> Utilities> Enter Deposits) should display on the report.
- If you select Deposits, the Check Number From and Check Number To fields will have no function since deposits do not have check numbers.
- Select the modules that created the checks you would like to include on the report in the System field. For example, if you would like to generate a report on Payroll checks, check the Payroll toggle.
- Check the Accounts Payable toggle if you would like to include checks made out to Accounts Payable vendors.
- Check the Bank Reconciliation toggle if you would like to include checks generated using the Check Maintenance window (BR> Utilities> Enter Checks).
- Even though checks created using the Check Maintenance window are attached to either an employee or AP vendor, the checks will not display the report if you don't check the Bank Reconciliation toggle.
- Check the Payroll toggle if you would like to include checks made to employees.
- Select the voided checks you would like to include on the report in the Void Checks drop-down menu. Voided checks will display exactly the same way as non-voided checks on the report.
- Select Exclude void checks to exclude all voided checks from the report.
- Select Show all void checks to include all voided checks on the report.
- Select Use commit date for voids to include all outstanding voided checks with a commit date within the date range entered in the Check Date From and Check Date To fields.
- Select Use Journal Entry date for voids to include all outstanding voided checks with a journal entry date within the date range entered in the Check Date From and Check Date To fields.
- Select the level of detail you would like to include on the report in the Report Type drop-down menu.
- Select Detail to include the individual transaction information on the report. This option will display the information attached to each check and deposit included on the report.
- Select Summary if you would only like the report to display a total of the transactions included on the report for each bank account. Individual checks and deposits will not display on the report, but they will be totaled and display with the bank account attached to each transaction.
- Check the Include bank accounts without activity toggle to include accounts that were inactive during the specified date range.
- This toggle will only be active if Summary is selected in the Report Type drop-down menu.
- Check the Include cleared checks toggle if you would like to include cleared checks on the report. The transactions in an open Clear Transactions batch (BR> Clear Transactions) are not cleared until they have been committed using the Commit step.
- Checks are cleared using the Clear Transactions process (BR> Clear Transactions).

- Click the Print icon
to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time. You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.