Extended Budgeting Module
Position Budgeting Overview
The Position Budgeting process is used to generate budget estimates based on past year Payroll expenditures. These estimates can be manipulated to reflect changes to personnel, salaries, benefits and COLA.
Related Links
Click here for information on Generating Position Budgeting.
Click here for information on Budget Scenario Maintenance.
Click here for information on Exporting Position Budgeting.
Step by Step
1 Generate the position budgeting estimate.

- The Generate Position Budgeting tool (EB> Utilities> Generate Position Budgeting) is designed to generate a budget estimate based on the Source Year Payroll expenditures that can then be used as the basis for customized position budgeting scenarios.
- Click here for information on Generating Position Budgeting.
2 Update the position budgeting details.

- The Budget Scenario Maintenance window (EB> Maintenance> Budget Scenario) is used to create custom budget estimates based on the position budgeting estimate generated in the previous step. Multiple budget estimates can be generated in order to compare the effects of various position expenditure adjustments.
- Click here for information on Budget Scenario Maintenance.
3 Export the position budgeting estimate.

- The Export Position Budgeting tool (EB> Utilities> Export Position Budgeting) is designed to export position budget estimates to MS Excel for manipulation. Once an estimate is finalized, it can then be imported back into the Extended Budgeting module as an active budget.
- Click here for information on Exporting Position Budgeting.