PO> Reports> Purchase Order List
Purchase Order List Report
The Purchase Order List Report is used to print a list of purchase orders. The report will display the invoiced amount, balance and encumbered amounts on each purchase order included on the list.
The report can filter the purchase order line items and the purchase orders that display on the report. When selecting filters, be aware of whether you are filtering the purchase orders or purchase order line items, otherwise the totals on the report may not reflect the totals information you wanted to display.
Related Links
Click here for information on viewing purchase orders.
Click here for information on exporting the date in a grid to an MS Excel spreadsheet.
Click here for information on the View reports window.
Click here for information on the Roll Over POs process.
Step by Step
1 Open the Purchase Order List report window (PO> Reports> Purchase Order List).

- The Vendor Number field is used to filter the purchase orders that display on the report by the Accounts Payable module vendor attached to the purchase order. There can be only one vendor attached to each purchase order, so this field will filter the purchase orders that display on the report.
- Click the Vendor Number field label if you would like to select an Accounts Payable vendor from a list.
- Leave this field blank to include all vendors on the report.
- Accounts payable vendors are attached to purchase orders when they are created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> Vendor Number field).
- Accounts Payable module vendors are created and maintained using the Vendor Maintenance window. The purchase orders attached to a vendor can be viewed using the PO History tab on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> PO History tab).
- The Fiscal Year field is used to filter the purchase orders that display on the report by the fiscal year the encumbrance is recorded. This is a required field, so the report will only display the purchase orders of a specific fiscal year.
- A fiscal year is assigned to a purchase order when they are created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Settings> Fiscal Year field).
- Use the Roll Over Purchase Orders process (PO> Roll Over POs) if you would like to move a purchase order from the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year.
- The purchase order line items of a purchase order can be encumbered in two separate years. For example, if a portion of a purchase order is invoiced in a past fiscal year and the remaining portion of the purchase order is rolled over into a new fiscal year, the total purchase order amount will be divided between two fiscal years.
- The Purchase Order From and Purchase Order To fields are used to filter the report by purchase order number.
- The purchase order number is set when the purchase order is created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> PO Number field). If the Purchase Order module is set up to auto-number POs (PO> Utilities> Setup> Automatically number purchase orders toggle), the PO Number field will be disabled and POs will be automatically assigned a number when they are created.
- The Requisition Number field is used to filter the report by the requisition number attached to the included purchase orders.
- The PO Date From and PO Date To fields are used to filter the report by purchase order date. Leave these fields blank to include all purchase order dates of the selected fiscal year.
- These fields will filter the purchase orders on the report by the purchase order date, not the date on the purchase order line items. The purchase order date is entered when the PO is created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> Date field).
- If a purchase order line item has a date that is outside of the date range entered into these fields, the purchase order line will still be included on the printed purchase order.
- The Expected Date From and Expected Date To fields are used to filter the PO line items that display on the report by the expected date. This will filter the purchase order line items, not the purchase orders that display on the report.
- You are not required to enter an expected date on purchase order line items, so there may not be an expected date attached to each PO line item in the database.
- The expected date is entered on a PO line item when the purchase order is created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Click the Create icon to create a new PO> Click the Create icon to create a new line item> Expected Date field).
- If a purchase order has multiple purchase order lines, and the purchase order line items have different expected dates, some of these line items may not be included in the report if you filter by the expected date.
- The GL Account Number field is used to filter the purchase order line items that display on the report by the general ledger account attached them. This field will filter the purchase order line items that display on the report, not the purchase orders.
- Click the GL Account Number field label to select a GL account from a list. When selecting a GL account, make sure that is it active in the fiscal year selected in the Fiscal Year field.
- General ledger accounts are attached to purchase order line items when they are created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Click the Create icon to create a new PO> Click the Create icon to create a new line item> Account field).
- If a purchase order has multiple purchase order lines and the purchase order line items are attached to different general ledger account, not all of the purchase order line items will display on the report.
- The Purchase Order Status drop-down menu is used to filter the purchase orders that display on the report by the status of the purchase order. A purchase order will have an open status until all of the line items on the PO have been invoiced and committed in the AP module (AP> Invoices).
- If the Leave Open toggle is checked on a purchase order (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders> Create icon> Leave Open toggle), the purchase order will stay open until it is manually closed. The Leave Open toggle is generally used for blanket purchase orders.
- The Line Item Status drop-down menu is used to filter the purchase order line items that display on the report by the status of the purchase order line item. A purchase order line item is open until all of it has been invoiced and committed in the AP Invoices process (AP> Invoices). If a purchase order line item is set up as a contract, the line item will stay open until the entire contract amount has been invoiced.
- The Received Status drop-down menu is used to filter the purchase order line items that display on the report by the received status. This field applies if you are receiving purchase order line items using the Receiving process (PO> Receiving).
- Select Not Received if only purchase order line items that have not been received in the Receiving process should display on the report.
- The report will determine if there are items left to receive on a purchase order line item by looking at the Quantity Outstanding field on the PO Line item table. If the Quantity Outstanding field is greater than 0, there are items left to receive on the PO line item.
- Configure how the report will be organized by selecting a sort option from the Sort By drop-down menu.
- The Home Department field is used to filter the purchase orders included in the report by the home department assigned to the purchase order.
- Check the Include Void Transactions toggle to include purchase orders that have been attached to invoices (AP> Invoices), voided (AP> Void Invoices), and left closed when voided (AP> Void Invoices> Commit> Leave purchase order closed toggle). Click here for information on the Void Invoices process.
- Check the Print payment history toggle if you would like the invoice and check information to display on the report. Checks in uncommitted AP Computer Checks and invoices in uncommitted AP Invoice batches will display on the report even if the Include Uncommitted History toggle is not checked. This will include an Invoice, Check, Void and Amount column to the report.
- The Invoice column will display the invoice number attached to the purchase order.
- The Check column will display the check number used to pay the purchase order.
- If the invoice or check has been voided, a VOID will display next to the Amount column in the detail section.
- The Amount column will display the amount of the invoice and check.
- Check the Include Uncommitted History toggle if you would like to include uncommitted history transactions on the report.
- The Purchase Order List Report will display the vendor code, vendor name, purchase order number, purchase order date, purchase order line item number, general ledger account number, line item description, project management task, line item amount, invoiced amount, balance and encumbered amount.
- The Amount column will display the amount of the purchase order line item.
- Purchase order line items will show up in the Encumbered column of the report if they are still open. As purchase orders are invoiced and committed, the encumbered amounts will be reduced.
- Purchase order line items will display in the Invoices column if they have been invoiced in the Accounts Payable module. If only a portion of the purchase order line item has been invoiced, then the invoiced portion of the line item will display in the Invoiced column.

- Click the Print icon
to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time. You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.