PO> Reports> Year End Encumbrance
Year End Encumbrance Report
The Year End Encumbrance Report is used to report on encumbrance amounts for the prior year after rolling purchase orders to the new year.
Related Links
Click here for information on Purchase Orders.
Click here for information on Rolling Over Purchase Orders.
Step by Step
1 Open the Year End Encumbrance report window (PO> Reports> Year End Encumbrance).
2 Configure the report.

- The Report Type field is used to specify the Summary or Detail report type.
- The Summary report type will display the GL Account and Total Rolled Amount for each account included in the report. The report will also include a Grand Total for the Total Rolled Amount column at the bottom.
- The Detail report type will display everything included in the Summary report as well as the PO Number, Vendor Name, Line Description, and Rolled Amount for each purchase order included in the report. The report will be sorted by GL Account and then PO Number.
- The Fiscal Year field is used to filter the purchase orders that display on the report by the fiscal year the encumbrance is recorded. This is a required field, so the report will only display the purchase orders of a specific fiscal year.
- A fiscal year is assigned to a purchase order when they are created in the Purchase Orders process (PO> Purchase Orders> Settings> Fiscal Year field).
- Use the Roll Over Purchase Orders process (PO> Roll Over POs) if you would like to move a purchase order from the previous fiscal year to the current fiscal year.
- The purchase order line items of a purchase order can be encumbered in two separate years. For example, if a portion of a purchase order is invoiced in a past fiscal year and the remaining portion of the purchase order is rolled over into a new fiscal year, the total purchase order amount will be divided between two fiscal years.
- Check the Display Fund Totals toggle to display a fund total amount at the bottom of each fund section in the report.
3 Print the report.

- Click the Print icon
to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time. You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.