SA> Maintenance> Comment Code
Comment Code Maintenance
Comments can be attached to assessments to track any notes about the assessment including phone conversations, complaints, and requests. Comments are added to SA assessments in the Assessment Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Assessment> Open an assessment> Comments tab).
Related Links
Click here for information on Assessment Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the existing comment codes.

- Open the Comment Code Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Comment Code).
- The left section of the window will display all of the comment codes that have been created in the application. Select a comment code in the left section of the window and the information attached to that comment code will populate in the Maintenance section to the right.
- Highlight a comment code and press DELETE or click the Delete icon
if you would like to delete a comment code.
- You cannot delete a comment code that is attached to an assessment.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon
if you would like to create a new comment code. This will create a new line item in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section will be enabled to enter the comment code information.
2 Create or modify a comment code.

- The Code field is used to identify a unique comment code. The comment code can be up to 20 characters long.
- Once a comment code has been created it cannot be changed.
- The Description field is used to enter a description on the comment code. This optional field can be up to 60 characters long.
- Press ENTER or click the Save icon
to save the comment code.