SA> Maintenance> Query by Example
Query by Example Report
The QBE Builder reporting tool is used to create customized reports in the Special Assessments module. Reports are created in the QBE Builder by selecting columns, creating arguments to remove records (Transaction Date < 01/01/2021), selecting how the report will group and sort, and then defining the totals that will display on the report. After the report has been created, it can be printed out or exported into an MS Excel, MS Access or CSV format. Reports that have been created using the QBE Builder tool can be saved and generated at any point.
This document will cover how to create a specific example report that provides an explanation of primary tables, secondary tables, arguments and totals. When creating your own QBE reports, it is helpful to know the general structure of the database and how the information entered into the fields on a window will be stored in the database fields and tables.
The Table/Field help feature (Help> Table/Field) is designed to be used in conjunction with database security (SS> Security> DB Security), but it can be helpful when building QBE Reports to help you determine where the information entered into a field on a window is stored. This tool will not always be helpful because it will display the exact name of the table and field where the information is stored, but QBE Builder uses simplified and more intuitive field and table names.
The report we will create in this example is a list report of all active special assessments with a principal balance of $100,000.00 or higher. Every module with a QBE reporting tool offers a different example report, so if the report you want to create is different or more complicated than the report created in this example, refer to the QBE examples in other modules for more help. The QBE Report feature works the same in all of the modules, but the information that is available to report on is different from module to module.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
Click here for information on Table/Field Help.
Step by Step

- Open the QBE Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Query by Example).
- The QBE Maintenance window will display all of the reports that have been created in the SA module. Select a report in the left section of the window and the customized report information will populate in the right section of the window just like many of the other maintenance windows in the application.
- Highlight a report and press DELETE to delete the highlighted report.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT to create a new QBE report.
- Highlight a report and click the Print icon
to print an existing QBE report. The QBE report will be generated as soon as the resources are available on the server. You can view the progress of the print job using the Jobs Viewer window (Jobs Viewer icon
on the main application window).
- Highlight a report and click the Export icon
drop-down and select Export Report to export the highlighted report data.
- Highlight a report and click the Export icon
drop-down and select Export Definition to export the report definitions of the highlighted report. This exported report definition file can then be imported using the Import icon
. This allows organizations to share QBE reports.

- The first step in creating a customized report is selecting the information you would like to display on the report. Information in a database is organized into tables and fields. Fields are used to store specific information, such as customer names. Fields are then grouped into tables. For example, a grouping could consist of a customer table that contains all of the general customer information, such as address and phone number. When information is entered into a window in the application, that information is stored in a specific field within a specific table. When creating a QBE report, select the tables that contain the information you would like to include on the report and then select the fields.
- Select a table from the Table Name drop-down menu in the Primary Table section. The Available Fields section will populate with the fields grouped into that table. If the table you select does not contain all of the fields you want to report on you will have to select a secondary table.
- Some tables in the database are linked together because they share a common field called a key. The key connects the data in the two tables together and defines how the data in one table is related to the data in another table. If the table you selected in the Table Name drop-down menu in the Primary Table section is linked to other tables, you can select a secondary table in the Secondary Table section. As you select a secondary table from the Table Name drop-down menu, new fields will be added at the bottom of the Available Fields section. If you need information from two different tables, but those tables are not linked together, you will not be able to create the report.
- From the Table Name drop-down menu in the Primary Table section, select Assessment.

- After you have selected the tables you can pull the fields from those tables onto the report. Check the toggles of the fields you would like to include on the report in the Available Fields section. Only fields with a check will display on the report.
- In the Available Fields section, check the Assessment Number, Assessment Status, Original Balance and Principal Balance toggles. These are the columns that will show up in the report.

- The fields below the Table Name drop-down menu are used to create an argument that will filter the information that will display on the report. These arguments are limited to 2048 characters.
- In order to filter the report to only include active assessments, we need to create an appropriate argument. This will be the first part of our argument.
- Select Assessment Status from the first drop-down menu directly below the Table Name field. Selecting a value for this field activates the two fields to the right.
- The next field contains the operators that will give the argument meaning. Select Equals from this drop-down menu.
- Type Active in the third argument field. This will limit the assessments included in the report to only those with a status of Active.
- Assessment statuses are user-defined, so your organization may use a different status code to differentiate active assessments.
- Click the Add button to save the argument to the Primary Table field.
- Click the Test Query icon
to confirm that the query is valid.
- In order to filter the report to only include assessments with a principal balance of $100,000.00 or greater, we will need to create the second part of the primary argument.
- The AND and OR buttons will be enabled after you add an argument to the report. The AND and OR buttons are used to link the conditions of an argument together so you can build more complicated filtering.
- Click the AND button to create the second part of our argument.
- Select Principal Balance from the first drop-down menu directly below the Table Name field. Selecting a value for this field activates the two fields to the right.
- The next field contains the operators that will give the argument meaning. Select >= (greater than or equal to) from this drop-down menu.
- Type $100,000.00 in the third argument field. This will limit the assessments included in the report to only those with a principal balance of $100,000.00 or greater.
- Click the Add button to save the argument to the Primary Table field.
- Click the Test Query icon
again to confirm that the two-part query is valid.
- The brackets are used to define the order in which the AND and OR statements will be applied. Arguments within brackets will be calculated before arguments outside of brackets. For example, you can create an OR statement inside an AND statement using the following format: (statement 1 OR statement 2) AND (statement 3 OR statement 4). The OR statements inside the brackets will be processed first, and then the AND statement will be applied. Our argument does not use the brackets.
- Enter the arguments in the Secondary Table section.
- When you enter an argument in the Primary Table and the Secondary Table section the arguments will be joined with an AND statement, meaning records must meet the conditions in both section before they will display on the report.
- Our example does not use a secondary table.
- When you enter an argument in the Primary Table and the Secondary Table section the arguments will be joined with an AND statement, meaning records must meet the conditions in both section before they will display on the report.

- The Limit field in the Primary Table section is used to define the maximum number of records that will display on the report. If you set this value to a very large number (such as 10,000,000) you run the risk of creating a report that will take a long time for your server to process.
- Enter 50 in the Limit field to limit our SA principal balance report to 50 results.

- After the fields have been selected and the arguments have been entered on the report you are ready to set up the report layout. The report layout allows you to define how the report will be grouped and totaled, and also allows you to select which fields will total.
- Click the Modify Report Layout icon
to open the QBE Layout window.
- Move the columns that display in the QBE Report Layout section to change the order in which the information will display on the report.
- Move column headings to the section above the column headings to change how the information is grouped on the report.
- The Column Totals section is used to select which columns should be totaled on the report. Check the toggle of the totals you would like to include on the report.
- Only columns that would provide a meaningful total will be available in the Column Totals section.
- Check both the Original Principal and Principal Balance toggles to include report totals for both of these columns.
- Click the Confirm icon
when complete to save the report layout. The QBE report will print in the saved format when the report is generated.

- Enter a name for the report in the Report Name field.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.

- Press ENTER or click the Print icon
to generate the report. Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the drop-down arrow next to the Export icon
to select the export format. A window will open allowing you to select the path where the exported file will be created.
- If your report appears to be missing information but your filters seem to be correct, make sure the Limit field in the Primary Table section contains a large enough number to contain all of the records you want to include in the report.