SA> Maintenance> Remit Address
Remit Address Maintenance
The Remit Address is the address of the organization office that is designated to receive remittances. The remit address will appear on printed SA Adjustment, Billing and Past Due Statements.
Related Links
Click here for information on committing SA Adjustments.
Click here for information on SA Billing.
Click here for information on SA Past Dues.
Step by Step
1 View the existing Remit Address Codes.

- Open the Remit Address Maintenance window (SA> Maintenance> Remit Address).
- The Remit Address Maintenance window will display all of the remit address codes that have been created in the application.
- Highlight a remit address code and click the Delete icon
to delete the selected remit address.
- Edit a remit address code by highlighting the code in the left section of the window and editing the remit address information in the Maintenance section of the window.
- Once a remit address has been saved, the remit address code cannot be edited.
- Click the Create icon
to create a new remit address code.
2 Create a new Remit Address Code.

- Enter a unique remit address Code.
- This required field can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long.
- Enter an employee name in the Address Care Of if a specific employee should be notified upon receipt. This is similar to an Attention field on a postal address.
- Complete the remaining remit address information fields.
- Click the Save icon
the save the remit address code.