SS> Web Application Setup> CivicPay Batch Setup
CivicPay Batch Setup
The CivicPay Batch Setup window is used to set up how Springbrook handles Utility Billing payments and adjustments submitted through the CivicPay Online (CPO) application.
Related Links
Click here for information on Importing CivicPay Online Receipts.
Click here for information on SS System Setup.
Click here for information on Pay Method Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 View the existing CPO batch setups.

- The left section of the window will display all of the CPO batch setups that have been created in the application. Select a batch setup in the left section of the window and the information attached to that batch setup will populate in the Maintenance section to the right.
- Highlight batch setup and press DELETE or click the Delete icon
if you would like to delete that batch setup.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon
if you would like to create a new batch setup. This will create a new line item in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section will be enabled to enter the batch setup information.
2 Create a new CPO batch setup.

- The Payment Type field is used to select the payment type you'd like to associate with the batch setup configuration.
- By assigning a unique pay method to a payment type on a batch setup configuration, organizations can increase the control they have over the reconciliation process. CPO payments of different payment types will now have a unique payment method assigned to the receipt. Those receipts can then be processed by payment method in the BR Receipt Deposits process.
- The Default payment type will be assigned to all existing batch setup configurations. If your organization would like to continue using one batch and one payment method for all CPO payments, continue using the Default payment type. This will ensure all undefined payment types are included in the default batch.
- The Merchant Account Type field is used to specify whether the batch setup will include standard CPO Utility payments or the Municipal payments.
- The Batch Number Prefix field is used to specify a batch number prefix for all batches the system creates for CivicPay Online (CPO) transactions.
- For example, an organization could add a "999" prefix to all CPO transaction batches in order to keep those transactions separate and organized. Those batches would then appear as "999MMDDYYYY" with "MMDDYYYY" corresponding to the month, day and year that the batch was created.
- The Batch Name Prefix field is used to specify a batch name prefix for all batches the system creates for CPO transactions.
- For example, an organization could add an "CPO-" prefix to all CPO transaction batches in order to keep those transactions separate and organized. Those batches would then appear as "CPO-BATCHNAME" with "BATCHNAME" corresponding to the batch name entered when the batch is created.
- The Batch Name Prefix field will only be enabled if your organization uses enhanced batch security. Enhanced batch security is enabled or disabled by checking or unchecking the Use enhanced batch security toggle on the System tab of the SS System Setup window.
- The Pay Method field is used to specify the pay method that will be associated with imported CPO transactions.
- Many organizations will create a set of pay methods to use exclusively with CPO. By assigning these pay methods to specific payment types, clients can have more control over how different types of payments are received in the BR Receipt Deposits process.
- Pay methods are created and maintained on the Pay Method Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method). Click here for information on Pay Method Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when complete.