WO> Maintenance> Item Maintenance
Create a Materials Item in WO
If you do not have the Inventory Control module interfaced with the Work Order module, the Item maintenance menu item will be enabled on the work orders maintenance palette. Item Maintenance allows you to create items in the Work Order module that are similar to inventory control items. The Work Order module inventory items will not have the inventory count or costing features like Inventory Control module items, but this window will allow you to track the use of items that will be used on a work order.
The items you create in this menu option are available for reporting using the QBE reporting tool (WO> Maintenance> Query by Example). The items are stored in the Materials Item table. Each of the fields associated with the item can be used in a report.
Follow this process to create or modify the items in the Work Order module.
Related Links
Click here for information on Work Order Maintenance.
Click here for information on Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance.
Step by Step

- Open the Item Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Item).
- The Item Maintenance window will display all of the items created in the WO module.
- Select an item in the left section of the window and the fields in the Maintenance section will update with the information attached to the selected item.
- Right click on the items in the left section of the window and select Export grid contents to Excel if you would like to create an MS Excel spreadsheet of the items in the window.
- Highlight an item and click the Delete icon
or press DELETE to delete the selected item. This will open a confirmation information box.
- Items that are attached to work orders cannot be deleted.
- Click the Create icon
or press INSERT if you would like to create a new record. This will create a new line item in the left section of the window and enable the fields to the right.

- Enter a unique Item ID code.
- The item identification code can be up to 20 characters long. When selecting items to attach to a Materials activity item in the work order module, the list window will display the Item ID and the Description fields.
- This field cannot be edited after the item is saved.
- Enter an item Description.
- This field can be up to 30 characters long.
- Enter a Cost Per Item.
- This is the default unit cost that will be used for a Materials activity on this item. This unit cost can be modified when the Materials activity is being created.
- Enter a general ledger account number in the Account Number field or click the field label to select one from a list.
- The account you select is only a default value. You can change this account when you are creating the Materials Activity.
- The Account Description field will automatically populate with the description attached to the selected GL account.
- The remaining fields are user defined. These field labels are edited on the Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels). Click here for information on Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance.
- Click the Save icon
when complete to save the work order item.