WO> Maintenance> Maintenance Jobs
Maintenance Jobs
The Maintenance Job Maintenance window is used to create maintenance jobs and to specify when they should be triggered.
When an equipment code is associated with a maintenance job, the job schedule can be set up to automatically trigger a maintenance work order when the equipment surpasses a specified usage point. For example, you could create a Change Oil maintenance job and attach the Police Cruiser 3 equipment code to the job. On the Scheduling tab of the maintenance job, you could then specify that the oil in Police Cruiser 3 should be changed every 3000 miles.
Each time an officer uses Police Cruiser 3, that usage could be recorded in the Equipment Readings process (WO> Equipment Readings).
Once the mileage on Police Cruiser 3 surpasses the next 3000 mile mark, the associated maintenance job would be flagged for inclusion in the next Maintenance Jobs batch (WO> Maintenance Jobs). When the next Maintenance Jobs batch is committed, a work order will be generated directing a technician to change the oil in Police Cruiser 3.
Related Links
Click here for information on Equipment Readings.
Click here for information on the Maintenance Jobs process.
Click here for information on Equipment Maintenance.
Click here for information on Equipment Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on Units Maintenance.
Step by Step

- The Maintenance Job Selection window will display all of the maintenance jobs created in the application.
- The Type and Code fields are used to filter the displayed maintenance jobs.
- Highlight a maintenance job and press DELETE or click the Delete icon
to delete the selected maintenance job.
- Highlight a maintenance job and press ENTER or click the Modify icon
to edit an existing maintenance job.
- Press INSERT or click the Create icon
to create a new maintenance job. This will open the Maintenance Job Maintenance window.

- The General tab is used to record the maintenance job details.
- Enter a unique job name in the Job Description field.
- This required field can be up to 30 characters long.
- Enter a recurring Estimate number or click the field label to select one from a list.
- Each maintenance job must be attached to a recurring estimate. The system compares the usage records with the maintenance job schedules and determines that a maintenance job has been triggered. The attached recurring estimate will be used as a template for the resulting work order.
- The Estimate Description field will automatically populate with the description attached to the selected recurring estimate.
- Each maintenance job must be attached to a recurring estimate. The system compares the usage records with the maintenance job schedules and determines that a maintenance job has been triggered. The attached recurring estimate will be used as a template for the resulting work order.
- Select a maintenance job Type from the drop-down menu.
- Select Equipment to assign the maintenance job to a specific piece of equipment.
- Equipment is created and maintained on the Equipment Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Equipment). Click here for information on Equipment Maintenance.
- Select Equipment Type to assign the maintenance job to all equipment associated with the selected equipment type.
- Equipment types are created and maintained on the Equipment Type Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Equipment Type). Click here for information on Equipment Type Maintenance.
- Select Equipment to assign the maintenance job to a specific piece of equipment.
- Enter any optional Notes you would like to attach to the maintenance job. This field can accommodate up to 1000 characters.

- The Scheduling tab is used to establish how often the maintenance job is performed.
- Specify a Frequency for the maintenance job.
- Select Once to create a maintenance job that will only be performed once.
- Select Every to create a maintenance job that will be performed each time the equipment or equipment type reaches the unit mark specified in the Quantity field.
- Enter a Quantity to specify at what point in the equipment or equipment type life cycle the maintenance job should be performed.
- Select a Units value from the drop-down menu.
- Units are created and maintained on the Units Maintenance window (WO> Maintenance> Units). Click here for information on Units Maintenance.
- Use the Alternately drop-down menu to specify when the maintenance job should be performed if the quantity entered has not been reached.
- For example, when creating a maintenance job for changing the oil on a vehicle, the Frequency could be set at Every, the Quantity at 3000, and the Units at Miles. In this example, the maintenance job would be assigned any time the vehicle reached another 3000 miles. If the Alternately field is set to Quarterly, the maintenance job would alternately be assigned three months after the previous oil change if the specified 3000 mile mark was not reached.

- The Equipment tab is used to specify which pieces of equipment or which equipment type will be maintained by the maintenance job.
- Click the Create icon
to open the Equipment Selection or Equipment Type Selection window.
- The value in the Type field on the General tab will determine which window opens.
- Select the desired equipment or equipment type and click the Confirm icon
to add them to the Equipment tab.
- While multiple pieces of equipment can be added to a single maintenance job, only one equipment type can be added.
- Highlight a piece of equipment or an equipment type and click the Delete icon
to remove it from the maintenance job.
- Enter a Start Date for the maintenance job.
- Only activity recorded on the equipment or equipment type after the specified start date will contribute to the total activity required to trigger the maintenance job.
- Click the Save icon
to save the new maintenance job.