AP> Reports> Vendor Master
Vendor Master Report
The Vendor Master Report displays a filtered list of vendors. The information that displays on the report is user defined and ranges from summary information (address and contact information) to transaction detail (committed and voided checks).
Generate a Vendor Summary Report (AP> Reports> Vendor Summary) if you would like to generate a report with the vendor code, vendor name and mailing address.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
Cilck here for information on the View Reports window.
Click here for information on the Report Publisher.
Step by Step
1 Open the Vendor Master window (AP> Reports> Vendor Master).
- The Vendor Number field is used to generate the report for a single vendor. Click the Vendor Number field label to select a vendor from a list.
- The Year Type and Year fields are used to filter the transaction detail and YTD totals that will display on the report.
- The Year Type is used to select the type of year that will be used (fiscal or calendar).
- Select Fiscal to filter the check line items that are included in the report by the fiscal year the check line items were posted to.
- When creating AP Computer Checks the journal entry date entered during the GL Distribution step (AP> Computer Checks> GL Distribution) will determine which fiscal year the check line items are assigned.
- Select Calendar to filter the check line items that are included in the report by the check date on the line item.
- The Year field is used to select which year information to include.
- The Vendor Status drop-down menu is used to filter the vendors that display in the report by vendor type (permanent, temporary).
- The vendor type is set up on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Type field).
- The 1099 drop-down menu is used to filter the vendors that display in the report by 1099 status.
- Select Vendors with 1099s to only include 1099 vendors on the report. A vendor is set up as a 1099 vendor in the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Details tab> Default 1099 Type field).
- The Sort By drop-down menu is used to select the order that the vendors display on the report.
- Select With YTD Activity from the Show Vendors drop-down menu to remove vendors from the report that do not have any YTD activity based on the selected Year Type and Year.
- The vendor will be included on the report if the vendor has any activity during the period, including voided checks.
- Enter a dollar value in the Minimum Activity field to filter the included vendors by YTD activity.
- Check the Double space toggle to include an extra space between vendor records. This will not add a space between every line item on the report. It will only add an extra line between vendor records.
- The Print vendor information, Print detail information and the Print YTD Amounts toggles are used to add information to the report.
- If you do not check any of these toggles, the report will display the vendor code, vendor name (Last Name field on the Vendor Maintenance window), mailing address information (Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, Mailing State and Zip fields on the Vendor Maintenance window), phone number, vendor type (temporary, permanent) and 1099 status (Send 1099 will display on the report if the vendor is set up as a 1099 vendor).
- The Phone column on the report will populate with the phone number of the primary contact on the vendor (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Contacts tab).
- Check the Print Vendor Information toggle to include the shipping address, primary contact, account number, comment, federal tax ID, State Tax ID, Other Tax ID, PM module type, GL account, Bank Route/Transfer number and bank account information.
- The account number is the value in the Account field on the General tab of the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab). If the AP vendor record was generated by a UB module refund check, the Account field will contain the customer and sequence number of the UB account being paid.
- The comment column will display the Comment field on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Message Alerts tab> Comments field).
- The GL account field will display the GL account set up on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> Details tab> GL Account field). The GL account attached to the vendor will populate on invoice line items when you are creating invoices for that vendor in AP> Invoices> Enter Invoices.
- The bank route/transfer number and bank account information fields will display the ACH bank account information attached to the vendor record.
- Check the Print Detail Information toggle to include the check line items on the report. This will include committed and voided check line items on the report and add the following columns to the report: account number, check number, check date, check description, invoice number, void amount, check amount and 1099 amount.
- The Account Number column will display the GL account number attached to the check line item.
- The Description field will display the description of the check line item and will populate with the Description field on the invoice line item.
- The Void Amount column will display the total number of check line items that have been included on the report and voided.
- The Amount column will display the total check line items for the vendors that have been included on the report.
- The 1099 column will display the total amount of 1099 check line items included on the report.
- Check the Print YTD amount toggle to add the YTD totals of the check line items on the report. The check line items included in the report is based on your selections in the Year Type and Year fields.
- The Print YTD amount toggle will display a total of the check line items, voided line items, and 1099 line items for each vendor on the report.
- Click the Print icon
to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time. You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.