CivicPay Online
My Agency > General Information > General Information
The CivicPay Online General Information pages are used to specify your general organization information and set up how the site will be branded.
General Information Page
- The API Key field status field will display "Set" once your API key is installed and set.
- The Status field will display "Online" if your CPO website is up and accessible to your citizens.
- The Agency Information section is used to specify your general agency details, such as name, address, and phone number.
- The Card Batch Cutoff Time field determines the cutoff time for submitted credit/debit card payments to be included in that day's Utility Billing cash receipts batch. Card payments submitted after this time will be included in the next day's batch.
- The ACH Batch Cutoff Time field determines the cutoff time for submitted ACH payments to be included in that day's Utility Billing cash receipts batch. ACH payments submitted after this time will be included in the next day's batch.
- NOTE: CivicPay Online now allows agencies to set different batch cutoff times for credit card and ACH payments. The Card Batch Cutoff Time field replaces the previously-used Batch Cutoff Time field. The time specified for the Batch Cutoff Time will be used for the new Card Batch Cutoff Time. The new ACH Batch Cutoff Time field will be automatically set as follows:
- Bluefin customers will have the new ACH Batch Cutoff Time field set to the time below corresponding to their local time zone:
16:30 EST
15:30 CST
14:30 MST
13:30 PST
Arizona and Indiana customers on Bluefin, and all customers on Merchant Partners, will have their ACH Batch Cutoff Time field set to the same local time as the current Card Batch Cutoff Time.
These times were selected as they match the time when ACH payments are normally swept by the processor for settlement.
- Agencies new to CivicPay Online will have both of these fields set to 03:00 local time.
- Combined batch examples:
If you have just one batch daily for CivicPay
If the ACH/ECheck payments cutoff time is 13:30, and the credit card batch cutoff time is 22:00, all ACH/ECheck payments made up until 13:30 will go into a batch along with all credit card payments made during the day.
After 13:30, any ACH/ECheck will start the next day’s batch.
Credit card payments will continue to go into the original batch with the ACH/ECheck Payments that were made before 13:30.
At 22:00, the credit card payments will no longer be added to the original batch and will start being added to the new batch that was created after 13:30 for ACH/ECheck Payments.
If you already have a “mid day” batch cut off time you should not notice a difference.
Splitting the batches in Springbrook
If you are on the Cloud /Cirrus version, you have the option to have the batches for credit cards and ACH/ECheck payments separated each day into their own batches. If you are using Bank Reconciliation, this would provide you with a better path forward for reconciliation having the batches separate from one another. With credit cards posting to one batch and ACH posting to another, having the different batch times would not pose any issue.
- Bluefin customers will have the new ACH Batch Cutoff Time field set to the time below corresponding to their local time zone:
- NOTE: CivicPay Online now allows agencies to set different batch cutoff times for credit card and ACH payments. The Card Batch Cutoff Time field replaces the previously-used Batch Cutoff Time field. The time specified for the Batch Cutoff Time will be used for the new Card Batch Cutoff Time. The new ACH Batch Cutoff Time field will be automatically set as follows:
- The Contact Information section is used to specify your organization's contact information.
- NOTE: The email entered in the Contact Email field serves two purposes. This email address will appear as your email link on the citizen-facing Contact Us page. This email address will also receive any bounce notices generated by the payment provider.