Gateway Transition


What happens after the Gateway Transition?

What is changing for your members?

Your members will need to re-enter their saved payment information.

  • After the gateway transition, any saved payment methods, which are stored by the gateway, will be disabled. Members will be unable to edit or make a payment with them. Your members will have to re-enter their payment information.
  • We will communicate the need to make this update on your site and via email.


On-site messaging

  • We have added intuitive messaging on your site to detect if a member needs to be informed of this change. When relevant, the following message will display on the Dashboard, Make Payment, and My Profile pages.


    We've recently upgraded our system to use a new payment processor. As part of this upgrade, you will need to delete any saved payment method(s) you may have and add a new one. Note that you will also have to re-enroll in autopay if you were previously enrolled using your preferred payment method. Your payment information remains safe and secure through this upgrade.

    To re-enter your saved payment method(s):

    • From the My Profile tab, first delete your existing payment methods by clicking "Remove" next to the payment method. If this action prompts any pop-ups, click “OK” to proceed to the next step.

    • While still on the My Profile tab:

      1. Click "Add a new payment method". When replacing a saved payment method, be sure to change the description field of the payment method (ex: “ABC BANK CREDIT CARD”) to a description you have NOT used in the past. Using the same description will cause an error and your payment profile will not be updated appropriately.

      2. Enter the details for the new payment method you would like to use as usual.

      3. To re-enroll in auto pay, under Options select the box “Use this payment method to enroll in Auto Pay.”

      4. Then click “Add payment method to this customer” to save your new payment method.

    • To confirm that you have added a new payment method correctly, go to the My Profile tab and confirm that it is listed in “Your Saved Payment Methods”.​ If you signed up for auto pay, please confirm that you are still on auto pay as noted under “Your Accounts” section of the My Profile tab.

    • If you do not see your newly added payment method, repeat the steps above.


  • While we have provided step by step instructions on your site, some members may still reach out with questions or request assistance following the gateway transition. See below for detailed information on how you can assist.
    • Payment methods created on the Merchant Partners gateway will still display on the My Profile page for your members. They will be disabled and indicated by an asterisk (*). The only option for managing them will be “Remove”. They must be removed.
      • Why does Springbrook not remove them automatically? While unlikely, in the event of an unanticipated issue immediately following transition, we are able to roll you back to the old gateway. Removing all payment methods during the transition would not allow this to be possible. It would also not allow us to provide a grace period for your members enrolled in Auto Pay.
    • A new payment method must be created for members who wish to use that new payment method to make one-time payments or remain enrolled in Auto Pay. New payment methods can be added one of two ways:
      • On the My Profile page select "Add a new payment method."
      • On the Make Payment page fill out the Payment Options and Payment Information and then select “Save this payment information for future payments.”
    • Members who want to use Auto Pay will need to enroll the new payment method in one of two ways:
      • Select “Use this payment method to enroll in Auto Pay.” on the My Profile > Add a new payment method page.
      • Select “After this transaction, use this payment method to enroll in Auto Pay” on the Make Payment page.


Email Communication

An optional initial communication can be sent to all members on Auto Pay within 24 hours of your agency’s gateway transition. During the preparation process you will be asked to decide if you would like this communication sent.

  • We strongly recommend this, or your own communication, be sent immediately following the transition.
  • Members enrolled in auto pay will receive this email notification directing them to log into your site for more information.


Your members signed up for Auto Pay will be given special consideration

We anticipate that members signed up for Auto Pay may not regularly log into your site and see the message that they need to update their saved payment information. We are taking two additional steps to ensure that the gateway transition does not negatively impact members signed up for Auto Pay: giving them more time and sending them direct notifications.


Giving them more time to update their payment information

To give members signed up for Auto Pay more time to update their saved payment information after the transition, we have created a grace period during which their recurring payments will still process against the old gateway. We will process a maximum of two recurring payments on each “old” payment profile before disabling the profile and removing the member from Auto Pay. We will provide more information on how this affects you in later sections.

Note: Because we are only processing two payments, there are scenarios where a customer can quickly eliminate the grace period payments if they have multiple utility billing accounts tied to the same payment method.


Additional direct notifications

To ensure members signed up for Auto Pay know there is an action they must take, we are sending a series of emails to them through directing them to update their saved payment method.

Note: Sending emails directing members to enter their payment information could generate concern. We recognize that in a world where everyone needs to be security conscious, an email discussing entering payment information can, and should be, a red flag. We have taken a path of maintaining consistency to ensure that these messages match other correspondence sent from

  • The sender for these emails is the same as the correspondence your members receive from the site today.
  • The formatting of the emails is consistent with other communication sent by
  • Your organization name is included in the title and throughout the message.

Your communication choices can help alleviate concerns by reinforcing that the message is legitimate.


In the first recurring payment batch following the gateway transition

  • For members who have not updated their saved payment method, we will process their recurring payment on the Merchant Partners gateway. A reminder email will be sent the first time their payment method is used in a recurring payments batch. The receipt email will include this reminder to make the requested change and a warning that they will be removed from Auto Pay if they do not take the requested action.


In the second recurring payment batch following the gateway transition

  • For members who have not updated their saved payment method, and have a second recurring payment process, we will process their payment on the Merchant Partners gateway and then remove them from Auto Pay. The receipt email will include this notification to the member that their payment method is now disabled and they have been removed from Auto Pay. It will include a link to the website where they can re-enroll.


Please review these three topics to fully understand the Gateway Transition process:

What do I need to do to prepare for the Gateway Transition?

What happens after the Gateway Transition? (Current topic)

What changes for my back-office users?