AP> Reports> Use Tax Report
AP Use Tax Report
The Use Tax Report displays the taxes paid in each state on AP invoice line items. The invoice line item must be set up as taxable and must be paid in order to display on the report. Uncommitted invoices or invoices being paid in an uncommitted Computer Checks batch will not be included on the report.
Invoice line items are set up as taxable using the Invoice Items window (AP> Invoices> Select Invoices> Open an invoice> Open an invoice line item> Taxable toggle). Click here for information on creating an invoice line item. If you use the Purchase Orders module, you can also set up PO line items to default to taxable. When invoices are generated using the POs, the invoice line items will be set up as taxable. Click here for information on the PO module Setup window.
The report displays four columns: taxable purchases, tax paid, real tax and difference.
The taxable purchases column will display the total invoice line item amounts that were taxable. For example, if an invoice line item is purchasing an item of $35.00 and had a tax of $3.24 applied, the taxable purchases column will display $35.00.
The tax paid column will display the amount of tax paid on an invoice line item. For example, if an invoice line item is purchasing an item of $35.00 and had a tax of $3.24 applied, the tax paid column will display $3.24.
The real tax column will display the local tax rate (AP> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Local Tax Percentage field) multiplied by the value in the taxable purchases column. For example, if the taxable purchases column displays $15,000 and the local tax rate is 7.5%, the real tax column will display $1125 (15000 X .075).
The difference column displays the difference between the tax paid and the real tax columns.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer.
Click here for information on View Reports.
Click here for information on the Report Publisher.
Step by Step
1 Open the Use Tax window (AP> Report> Use Tax Report).
- The Date From and Date To fields are used to filter the invoices that display in the report by check date. The check date is set up during the Checks step of the Computer Checks process (AP> Computer Checks> Checks> Check Date field). Click here for information on the Checks step of the Computer Checks process.
- Only committed and paid invoices will display on the report.
- The Local Tax Rate field cannot be modified from this window. The local tax rate is set up in the Setup window (AP> Utilities> Setup> General tab> Local Tax Percentage field).
- Check the New Page for each state toggle to separate each state included on the report on a separate page.
- Check the New Page for each city toggle to separate each city included on the report on a separate page.
- Check the List Vendors toggle to include the vendor information on the report. This will add a vendor column to the report that will display the vendor name.
- The State and City fields are used to select which vendor invoices will be included on the report based on the mailing address on the vendor record (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Mailing City and Mailing State fields). The values in the City field will populate based on the state selected in the States field. If there is more than one state selected in the State field, the All option will display in the City field. You cannot select specific cities when more than one state is selected.
- Check the toggles of the states you would like to include in the report in the States field.
- The Cities field will populate with the cities of the vendors of the state selected in the States field.
- Click the Print icon to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time.
You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.