AP> Void Invoices

Void Invoices




The Void Invoices process is used to void invoices that have been created using the Invoices process (AP> Invoices) but have not been paid using the Computer Checks process (AP> Computer Checks). Purchase order line items that are attached to the invoices that are voided can be left closed or reopened. If you reopen the purchase orders, they can then be attached to new invoices.


The Void Invoices process will create a journal entry to reverse the expense and liability created by the invoice line items when the invoice was committed (AP> Invoices> Commit). The journal entry created by the process will display on the GL Distribution Report (AP> Void Invoices> GL Distribution) and will be created and committed when the Void Invoices batch is committed.


If the invoice line items in the Void Invoices batch are attached to Project Management or Work Order module information, the PM and WO module information will be reversed when the Void Invoices batch is committed.


Click here for an overview of which processes generate PM transactions.

Click here for an overview of which processes generate WO transactions.





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