AR> Reports> Activity Statement
Activity Statement Report
The Activity Statement report displays the activity on a customer account. Some Springbrook users send this report to customers who have an account balance but no activity in the current period or use the report as a year end customer activity summary.
Related Links
Click here for information on adding a logo to reports.
Click here for information on the View Reports window.
Step by Step
1 Open the Activity Statement Report window (AR> Reports> Activity Statement).
- The Activity Statement Report window will populate with the selections from the last time the statements were printed.
- By default the report will print the activity of all billing cycles, but you can check individual cycle toggles to choose specific billing cycles.
2 Configure the report.
- Enter a date range in either or both of the Tran From Date and Tran To Date fields to filter the activity that will print in the report. The range selected in these fields will print on the report.
- The date range filters activity by transaction date. Transaction dates are entered in the AR> Generate Invoices> Transaction Date field when creating invoices.
- The Transaction Date field can be found in the Account Receivable QBE reporting tool in the Transaction table.
- Leave the date range blank to include all activity.
- Enter a Statement Date. This is the statement date that will print on the statements.
- Select the Report Type.
- Choose Detail to print the report in detail format. The report will print an activity statement for each customer account and the report will include the customer name and address, statement date, accounts receivable account number, statement period, previous balance, reference number (either invoice or cash receipt number), transaction date, transaction type (Invoice, Payment, Adjustment, etc.), fee code, description, amount and balance forward.
- Choose Summary to print the report in summary format. This will remove the transaction fee code, fee description and fee amount fields from the report.
- Uncommitted transactions will not appear on the report.
- Check the Statements for accounts with no activity toggle if you want to print statements for accounts that have a balance but no activity during the selected date range.
- Check the Statements for zero balance accounts toggle if you want to print statements for accounts that currently owe nothing but had activity during the selected date range.
- Check the Print Balance Forward Column toggle to print an extra column that shows the balance on the account after each transaction.
- Check the Show Deposits toggle to print an extra column that shows deposits on the account.
- Check the Show Unapplied Credits Total toggle to print an extra column that displays the total amount of unapplied credits on each account.
- Check the Hide credit use/application lines toggle to hide the Credit Use and Credit Application lines on the activity statements that occur from applying credits to charges.
- Check the Hide $0 Transactions toggle to hide all zero dollar transactions on the report. Zero dollar transactions are generally transactions created internally for accounting purposes.
- Check the Print Logo toggle if you would like the organization logo to display at the top of each activity statement. If this toggle is not checked the organization logo will not display on any of the activity statements.
- The organization logo is set up on the SS Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup> Organization Logo field). Click here for information on adding a logo to reports.
- Select the customer accounts that will appear in the report.
- Click the Create icon and choose the accounts from the Account Selection window.
- If you want to select more than one customer account you can hold down CTRL and click on the accounts you want to include in the statement. Each account you select will print on a separate activity statement and they will not be summed together.
3 Print the report.
- Click the Print icon to process the report immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Print icon to schedule the report to generate at a later time.
You can view the progress of the report on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs). Click here for information on the Jobs Viewer window.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Print Preview to preview the report before printing.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Click the Print icon drop-down menu and select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Once the report is generated, you can also display the report using the View Reports window (SS> Utilities> View Report). Click here for information on the View Reports window.