BP> Letters> Generate

Generate BP Letters




The Letters process is used to generate customized, Microsoft Word-based form letters for a filtered range of BP accounts. These letters can serve a variety of purposes, such as notifying customers of changes to application rates or requesting updated permit information.


Customers associated with the BP account will only receive a letter if the Notification toggle is checked on the Permit Maintenance window (BP> Maintenance> Permit> General tab> Notification toggle). Any contacts attached to the permit that also have the Notification toggle checked will receive a letter as well (BP> Maintenance> Permit> Contact tab> select a contact> Notification toggle).


Once a letter is generated, the letter details will be recorded on the BP account record (BP> Maintenance> Permit> History tab). Follow this process to generate a BP Letters batch.


Related Links


Click here for information on Permit Type Maintenance.

Click here for information on Fee Maintenance.

Click here for information on Permit Status Maintenance.

Click here for information on Permit Class Maintenance.


Step by Step