BR> Utilities> Import Checks
Import Checks
The Import Checks feature is used to import checks into the Bank Reconciliation module from a CSV format file. The checks will be imported as uncleared checks. Process the checks in the Clear Transactions process (BR> Clear Transactions) if you would like to clear the checks. There is a Voided column on the import file, so you can import voided checks.
After the checks have been imported, you can run the Checks by Date Report (BR> Reports> Checks by Date) to view a list of the checks that have been imported.
The objects in the diagram represent processes in the application.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Checks by Date Report.
Click here for information on the Clear Transactions process.
Step by Step
1 Open the Import Transactions window (BR> Utilities> Import Checks).
- Click the Format icon to view the expected file format of the CSV file.
- Click the File Location field label to select the path of the file being imported. Click here for general information about the File Layout window.
- Enter a Payroll module employee number or vendor number on each import file line item. You cannot leave both the employee number and vendor number column on the import file blank.
- The date on the import file can be in either of the following formats: MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY.
- Enter true or false in the void column (true for a check that has been voided).
- Click the Confirm icon to import the checks.
- The importing process is performed on the application server, so the task can be scheduled to be completed like other batch process steps.
- If there are errors during the import process, an information window will open displaying the errors. For example, if a check number in the import file has already been used in the Bank Reconciliation module, or the information in a field is in the wrong format, an information window will open displaying a description of the error and the row number in the import file that generated the error.
- Use the Checks by Date Report (BR> Reports> Checks by Date) to view the checks that have been imported.