BR> Utilities> Import Checks

Import Checks




The Import Checks feature is used to import checks into the Bank Reconciliation module from a CSV format file. The checks will be imported as uncleared checks. Process the checks in the Clear Transactions process (BR> Clear Transactions) if you would like to clear the checks. There is a Voided column on the import file, so you can import voided checks.


After the checks have been imported, you can run the Checks by Date Report (BR> Reports> Checks by Date) to view a list of the checks that have been imported.




The objects in the diagram represent processes in the application. Click on an object for information on a process.



Related Links


Click here for information on the Checks by Date Report.

Click here for information on the Clear Transactions process.


Step by Step


1     Open the Import Transactions window (BR> Utilities> Import Checks).