BT> Maintenance> Statement Type
Statement Type Maintenance
Statement types are used in the Statement step of the BT Letters process to generate a tax return estimate for business owners. Follow this process to create a statement type and configure how the statement is displayed.
Related Links
Click here for information on the BT Letters process.
Step by Step
1 Open the Statement Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Statement Type).
- The Statement Type Maintenance window displays all of the statement types created in the application.
- Highlight a statement type on the left side of the window and the statement type details will display in the Maintenance section to the right.
- Highlight a statement type and click the Delete icon or press DELETE to delete the selected statement type.
- Click the Create icon or press INSERT to create a new statement type.
2 Create a new Statement Type.
- Enter a unique Statement for the new statement type. This is the code that will identify the statement type for future selection.
- Once the statement type is saved, this field cannot be edited.
- The statement can be up to 60 alphanumeric characters long.
- The Heading fields are used to specify the statement type headings.
- The heading fields can accommodate up to 24 characters.
- The Acknowledgment fields are used to specify the statement type acknowledgments.
- The acknowledgment fields can accommodate up to 35 characters.
- The Reminder fields are used to specify the statement type reminders.
- The reminder fields can accommodate up to 32 characters.
- The Footer fields are used to specify the statement type footers.
- The footer fields can accommodate up to 52 characters.
- Click the Save icon when complete. The new statement type will now be available in the BT Letters process (BT> Letters> Statements> Statement drop-down menu). Click here for information on the BT Letters process.