BT> Utilities> Business Export/Import
Export and Import Businesses
The Business Export and Import windows are used when one organization needs to share business information with another organization in order to maintain a common business database.
NOTE: Exporting business data, editing that data, and then importing the edited data will overwrite existing business data. If not done carefully, this process can result in data errors that could detrimentally impact other Business Tax processes. Please contact Springbrook Support if you have any questions before using these import and export tools.
Related Links
Click here for information on Business Maintenance.
Click here for information on Tax Type Maintenance.
Step by Step
- Open the Business Export window (BT> Utilities> Business Export).
- The Activity Date From and Activity Date To fields are used to filter the businesses included in the export by activity date.
- The Tax Types section is used to filter the businesses included in the export by the tax types associated with those businesses.
- Click the New icon to add a tax type to the data grid below.
- Tax Types are created and maintained on the Tax Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Tax Type). Click here for information on Tax Type Maintenance.
- The Mapped Tax Type field is used when the tax type being exported from one organization needs to be mapped to a different tax type at another organization.
- For example, one organization might use "Gross Receipts" for their gross receipts tax type while the other organization uses "GrssRcpts" for their gross receipts tax type. This allows an exported tax type to be imported as the appropriate tax type at another organization.
- Check the Include Override Schedules toggle if the exported businesses should include any override schedules set up on the Tax Type tab of the Business Maintenance window.
- If this toggle is not checked, the exported business data will not include the override schedule and the schedule associated with the selected tax type will be used.
- Highlight a tax type in the data grid and click the Delete icon to remove the tax type from the export filters.
- Click the New icon to add a tax type to the data grid below.
- Click the Confirm icon to export the businesses.
- Once the export has finished processing, the Export Settings window will open. This window is used to specify the export path for the file.
- Check the Open toggle if you would like to open the exported file after it is saved locally.
- Enter the export path location and click the Save icon to export the file to the local path.