Cash Entry Window

Create a Receipt for a UB Customer




The Cash Entry window is used to enter payments on customer accounts, including payments on Utility Billing module accounts. When a payment is made on a UB module account in a Cash Receipts batch, the receipt date on the payment will be used as the transaction date of the payment in the Utility Billing module.


When you enter a payment on a UB customer account in a Cash Receipts batch, there are two additional reports that need to be generated before the batch can be committed: UB Proof List and UB GL Distribution.


The UB Proof List Report is similar to the Cash Receipts Proof List, but it will total the receipt line items by service rather than payment type. The UB Proof List will only display receipt line items on UB accounts. Receipt line items on non-UB accounts, Cash Receipts module type codes or voided receipts will not display on the report. If the UB module is set up to automatically redistribute credit balances, the redistribution transactions will display on the report.


The UB GL Distribution Report is similar to the Cash Receipts GL Distribution Report, but it will display the service rates and fee codes that are on the receipt.


The Cash Entry window can be used to create deposits on UB module accounts.


Related Links


Click here for information on creating a cash deposit on a UB customer account.

Click here for an overview on deposits.

Click here for information on committing a Cash Receipts batch.


Step by Step