CR> Cash Receipts> Import Returns
Import Returns in CR
The Import Returns window is used to import Business Tax Module tax returns into the Cash Receipts module.
Related Links
Click here for information on Tax Type Maintenance.
Click here for information on Pay Method Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Create a Cash Receipts batch.
- Select the New Billing palette in CR> Cash Receipts. This will expand the Cash Receipts palette and display the steps of the Cash Receipts process.
- Select New from the Cash Receipts batch number drop-down menu to create a new batch. This will open the New Batch window.
- If there are open batches in the Cash Receipts process, you can create a new batch without affecting the transactions in the open batches.
- Enter a Batch Month and Batch Year. These fields default to the current calendar period and are used for reference only. The batch month and batch year do not affect the receipt or journal entry date of the transactions in the batch.
- The receipt date is entered when each receipt is generated and the fiscal period the transactions are posted to is determined by the Journal Entry Date entered when creating the GL Distribution Report (CR> Cash Receipts> GL Distribution).
- Click the Generate icon to populate the Batch Number field with the next available batch number. Batch numbers are limited to five digits and must be unique within the batch month of the batch year.
- You can also manually create a new batch by entering a Batch Number and clicking the Save icon .
2 Import the returns.
- Open the Import Returns window (CR> Cash Receipts> Import Returns).
- Select a Format for the import from the drop-down menu.
- Click the Layout icon after selecting a format in order to see the expected file contents.
- Enter a Tax Type or click the field label to select one from a list.
- Tax Types are used to group taxes together into logical associations such as Payroll or Gross Receipts. Tax types are then attached to businesses and used to calculate the tax amounts when returns are received in the Cash Receipts module.
- Tax Types are created and maintained on the Tax Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Tax Type). Click here for information on Tax Type Maintenance.
- Select a Period from the drop-down menu.
- Only periods attached to the selected tax type will display in this menu. Periods are attached to tax types on the Tax Type Maintenance window (BT> Maintenance> Tax Type> Create New Schedule).
- Select the return year you would like to import in the Year field.
- Select a Payment Method from the drop-down menu.
- Pay methods are used to define what kind of payment is received when creating a receipt in the Cash Entry window. Pay methods are created and maintained on the Pay Method Maintenance window (CR> Maintenance> Pay Method). Click here for information on Pay Method Maintenance.
- Click the Input File field label to browse to the returns file you would like to import.
- Click the Confirm icon to import the returns immediately or enter a date and time in the field next to the Confirm icon to schedule the import to process at a later time. You can view the progress of the import on the Job Viewer window (SS> Utilities> Show Scheduled Jobs).