CR> Maintenance> Type Code

CR Type Code Maintenance




Type codes create a single line item when they are added to a receipt on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window and have four main uses: charge for miscellaneous items such as copy machine fees, create a deposit on a UB module customer account, record a cash drawer over/short amount, or record bank fees.


When a type code is attached to a receipt on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window, a detail line item will be added to the receipt that will debit and credit the GL accounts attached to the type code. The type code receipt line item will not generate a history item on any customer account (Utility Billing, Accounts Receivable, etc.) attached to the receipt unless the type code is creating a deposit on a UB module customer account.


Only one debit and credit GL account can be associated with a single type code. If you would like to associate multiple general ledger accounts with a type code, create a type code for each debit and credit GL account you would like to affect in the transaction and then group those type codes into a category code. Type codes can be grouped together and added to the receipt at one time using category codes (CR> Maintenance> Category). Category codes are added to a receipt using the Account/Category tab of the Cash Entry window and all of the type codes grouped onto the category code will be applied to the receipt.


Type codes can be used to record over and short cash drawer adjustments to get the Cash Receipts Proof List Report to match the amount of the receipts in the cash drawer. Create a type code with the debit and credit GL accounts you would like to affect with the transaction, and check the Allow Negative Amount Receipts toggle in the CR Setup Window (CR> Utilities> Setup Cash Receipts) so that you can create negative amount receipts. When there is an over or short in a Cash Receipts batch, create a receipt in the batch and add the over/short adjustment type code to a receipt that is not attached to a customer account. Use the Amount to Pay column on the Detail tab of the Cash Entry window to adjust the amount on the Cash Receipts Proof List to match the receipts in the Cash Drawer.


Type codes can also be used to enter bank fees. Entering the bank fee amounts in the Cash Receipts module means that the bank fees will display in the Bank Reconciliation module.


There is a separate help document that explains how to create a deposit on UB customer accounts with a CR type code.


The Receipt Listing Report (CR> Reports> Receipt Listing) can be filtered by type code and will display the type code line items and receipt information, including the customer information.


Related Links


Click here for information on creating a receipt from a type code.

Click here for information on adding a type code to a receipt using the Quick Entry window.

Create a UB deposit using a Cash Receipts module type code.

Click here for information on creating a type code adjustment.

Click here for information on grouping type codes onto a category code.


Step by Step