AP> Maintenance> Vendor
Vendor Maintenance
The Vendor Maintenance window is used to create and maintain vendors to add to requisitions, purchase orders and Accounts Payable invoices.
Vendor records are shared across the application, so vendors created in one module will be available in another module.
Step by Step
1 View the AP vendors.
- Open the Vendor Selection window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor).
- The Vendor Selection window will display all of the vendors that have been created in the Accounts Payable module.
- Enter information into the fields in the search criteria to filter the vendors that display in the window.
- The Vendor Number field is used to filter the vendors that display in the window by vendor number.
- The vendor number is set up when each vendor is created.
- The Last Name field is used to filter the vendors that display by vendor name.
- Enter all or most of the vendor name to filter the vendors that display in the window.
- The DBA field is used to search vendors by the doing business as name. The DBA name of a vendor is entered on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> DBA field).
- The 1099 Vendor field is used to limit the search to those vendors specified as 1099 vendors.
- The results will include all of the sub-vendors associated with the returned 1099 vendors.
- Select a Status from the drop-down menu to filter the displayed vendor by status.
- The Keyword field is used to search for a particular term or phrase that appears in either the vendor's Last Name field or Doing Business As field.
- The system automatically indexes the Last Name and Doing Business As fields. For example, if "plumber" is entered in the Keyword field, the system will return every vendor that has that term in the Last Name or Doing Business As fields.
- Use the State Business License and Business Application Number fields to filter the displayed vendors by the business application and license associated with the vendor.
- The business application and license numbers are specified on the Details tab of the Vendor Maintenance window.
- Click ADVANCED SEARCH to expand the search criteria to include mailing and business information.
- Use the Mailing Address, Mailing City and Mailing State fields to filter the displayed vendors by the address attached to the vendor record.
- The vendor address is specified on the General tab of the Vendor Maintenance window.
- Check the Include temporary vendors toggle to include temporary vendors in the
window. By default, temporary vendors will not display in the Vendor Selection window.
- Vendors are set up as temporary vendors on the Vendor Maintenance window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Type field> Temporary).
- Check the Include vendors selected for purge toggle to include vendors that have been selected in the Purge Vendors process (AP> Purge Vendors).
- When a vendor is selected in the Purge Vendors step, the vendor will only display in the Vendor Selection window (AP> Purge Vendors> Vendor Selection) if you check this toggle.
- Use the Mailing Address, Mailing City and Mailing State fields to filter the displayed vendors by the address attached to the vendor record.
- Click the Search button to filter the vendors that display in the window using the information in the search criteria.
- Select a vendor and click DELETE to delete the selected vendor.
- If there is AP activity on this vendor you will not be allowed to delete the vendor.
- Select a vendor and click EDIT to edit the selected vendor.
- Click the Create Vendor button to create a new vendor.
2 The General tab is used to enter general information on the vendor.
- The Primary Contact Name and Primary Contact Phone fields populate with the contract information of the primary contact attached to the vendor using the Contacts tab. These fields will not be enabled.
- Only the primary contract information will display in these fields. Check the Primary Contact toggle of a contact to set up a contact as a primary contact.
- The phone number of the primary contact will populate on purchase orders generated on the vendor.
- The Vendor Number field is used to enter the vendor code. The vendor code can be up to eight alphanumeric characters long.
- The Vendor Number field is a required field. Once a vendor has been created you will only be able to modify the vendor number using the Merge Vendors utility (AP> Utilities> Merge Vendors).
- Enter the vendor name in the Last Name field. The Last Name field functions are the company name of the vendor.
- The Last Name field can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters long.
- This is the vendor name that will display on checks and 1099s.
- The First Name field is generally only used when the vendor is an individual.
- The Doing Business As field is used to enter the doing business as name of the vendor.
- You can set up the Accounts Payable module to print the doing business as name on the long check stub computer checks (AP> Utilities> Setup> Checks tab> Long check stub prints DBA information toggle). This will add the doing business as vendor name to the check. The vendor name entered in the Last Name field will still display on the check.
- The doing business as name will not display on the 1099 forms generated in the 1099s process (AP> 1099s).
- The Doing Business As field can be used to locate AP vendors using the Vendor Selection window (AP> Maintenance> Vendor).
- The 1099 Vendor field is used to specify a 1099 vendor for the new vendor.
- When the vendor you are creating is paid through the AP Invoices process, the 1099 vendor selected here will automatically populate the 1099 Vendor field on the invoice line item.
- Select a Status in the drop-down menu.
- The Vendor Selection window opened from the Invoices process (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Create an invoice> Vendor Number field) will not display inactive vendors.
- You cannot commit an invoice in a Computer Checks batch that is attached to a vendor with an inactive status.
- The Account field is generally used to store the customer number that the vendor assigns to your organization.
- The Account field will display on the regular and long check stub formats when checks are printed (AP> Computer Checks).
- This is not the field used to enter the vendor's bank account if they are using direct deposit. The vendor's bank account is entered on the Details tab.
- The Type drop-down menu is used to set up a vendor as a temporary vendor. This will default to Permanent.
- The Mailing Address 1, Mailing Address 2, Mailing City, State and Zip Code fields are used to enter the mailing address of the vendor.
- Complete the Terms and Discount Percentage fields if the vendor offers a discount. The discount will be applied when invoices are generated from purchase orders in the AP module Invoices process. For example, if a vendor offers a two percent discount on invoices paid within ten days, you can enter that information in the Terms field (enter “10” for ten days) and Discount Percentage field (enter “2” for 2%). When an invoice is entered (AP> Invoices> Enter Invoices) that meets the terms of the discount, an information window will open asking if you would like to apply the vendor discount to the invoice.
- The Terms field is used to enter the number of days a discount is good for after the invoice date and can be up to 999 days.
- The term is applied to the difference between the Invoice Date and the Payment Date when entering invoices (AP> Invoices> Enter Invoices). For example, if the payment date is 06/15/22, the invoice date is 06/01/22, and the terms are 10, the terms will not be applied :
- Payment date (06/15/22) - invoice date (06/01/22) > terms (10)
- The terms would apply if the payment date was 06/05/22: payment date (06/05/22) - invoice date (06/01/22) < terms (10).
- When a purchase order is created for this vendor, the terms will populate on the purchase order, but it will not be applied until the PO is invoiced.
- Enter the Discount Percentage as a whole number (10 = 10%).
- The Max Amount field is used to specify an annual maximum amount for purchase orders created for this vendor.
- When a Max Amount value is specified, the AP Invoices, PO Purchase Orders, and PO Requisitions processes will all include validation to ensure this value is not exceeded in the current fiscal year.
- Check the Receive purchase orders electronically toggle to enable the vendor to receive an email delivered PDF copy of any committed purchase order that they are associated with.
- If this toggle is checked, you must create an AP contact on the Contacts tab that can receive electronic POs.
3 The Contacts tab is used to add personal contacts and/or vendor phone numbers to
the vendor record.
- Select a contact in the data grid and the Maintenance section below will populate with the information attached to the contact.
- Click NEW CONTACT to add a contact to the vendor record. This will add a line item to the Contacts tab and the fields in the Maintenance section will be enabled to enter the information on the contact.
- Check the Primary Contact toggle if you would like the contact to be the primary contact on the vendor. The phone number attached to the primary contact will populate on purchase orders generated on the vendor and the name and phone number of the primary contact will display on the General tab.
- Check the Purchase order receiver toggle if the contact should receive electronic purchase orders.
- If this toggle is checked, you will also be required to provide an email address for the contact.
4 The Shipping tab is used to enter and store the shipping address of the vendor.
- The Physical Address fields are used to enter the physical address of the vendor.
- The PO Address fields are used to enter the vendor address that will be pulled onto purchase orders created in the Purchase Order module.
- This is not the Ship To address that displays on the purchase order. The Ship To address on the purchase order populates from the Shipping Address fields.
- The Shipping Address fields are used to set up a default shipping address on the vendor. This is the address the goods on the purchase order will be shipped to.
- When a purchase order is created (PO> Purchase Orders> Purchase Orders), the ship to address on the vendor will populate on the purchase order. If the Use city name as the default shipping location toggle is checked, the ship to address on purchase orders will default to the address of the organization defined on the System Setup window (SS> Utilities> System Setup> Organization tab> Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State and Zip fields). This address will be overwritten by the ship to address set up on the vendor when the vendor is attached to the purchase order.
- Click the Shipping Address field label to select a shipping location from a list. Shipping addresses are created and maintained using the Locations Maintenance window (SS> Maintenance> Locations).
- Enter any shipping Insurance Requirements if desired.
5 The Message Alerts tab is used to create alert messages.
- Message Alerts will open when requisitions, purchase orders, or invoices are created for the vendor.
- Enter a message in the Requisition Message, PO Message or Invoice Message fields to create a message that will open when a requisition, purchase order, or invoice is created for the vendor.
- For example, if a vendor is always late in delivering the goods, you may want to add the message "Goods always received late" to the PO Message and Invoice Message fields. This message will display in an alert window when the vendor is attached to a PO (PO> Purchase Orders), or an invoice (AP> Invoices).
- The Comments field displays on the Vendor Master Report (AP> Reports> Vendor Master).
6 The Details tab is used to enter tax and ACH information on the vendor record.
- ACH information is entered on an AP vendor record in order to create ACH checks for AP invoices.
- The Default 1099 Type drop-down field is used to enter the default 1099 type.
- The 1099-G type is used for income resulting from government payments.
- The 1099-INT type is used for income earned through interest.
- The 1099-MISC type is used for standard miscellaneous income. Most users will select this option.
- The 1099-NEC type is used for nonemployee compensation.
- The 1099-S type is used for income resulting from sales or exchanges of real estate.
- The Default 1099 Box drop-down field is used to specify which standard 1099 form box number the invoices value should populate.
- The options available in this drop-down are determined by the default 1099 type selected above.
- The Default 1099 Disc Box drop-down field is used to specify which standard 1099 form box number the discount amount value should populate.
- As with the Default 1099 Box above, the options available in this drop-down are determined by the selected default 1099 type.
- The value in the Default 1099 Disc Box field must be different than the value selected in the Default 1099 Box field.
- Enter a Federal Tax ID, State Tax ID and Other Tax ID on the vendor.
- If the vendor is a 1099 vendor, the vendor’s Federal Tax ID and State Tax ID number will display on the 1099.
- The Sales Tax Rate field is used to enter the sales tax on a vendor. The sales tax rate entered in this field will be applied to taxable purchase order line items. For example, if the vendor applies a sales tax of 9.25%, enter 9.25000 in the field. When taxable PO line items are created, the tax rate will be applied. The tax rate is only applied as a default. If a different tax rate should be applied, you will be able to manually modify the tax rate on the purchase order.
- The GL Account Number field is used to attach a default GL account to the vendor record. Click the GL Account Number field search button to select a GL account from a list.
- When you are creating invoice line items (AP> Invoices> Invoices) on the vendor, the invoice line items will default to the GL account on the vendor record.
- GL accounts are created and maintained by fiscal year using the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window (GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts).
- The Type Code field is used to attach a default Project Management type code to the vendor record.
- Project Management type codes are created and maintained using the Type Code Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Type Code).
- This field is currently disabled.
- The PO Line Description field is used to associate a standard line item description with the open vendor.
- When a new purchase order is created, this description will automatically populate on the PO Line Item window (PO> Purchase Orders> Create a new PO> Create a Line Item> Description field).
- Enter a State Business License.
- The business license number can be up to 40 alphanumeric characters long.
- This field will not display on the Vendor Master Report (AP> Reports> Vendor Master).
- Enter a Business Application Number or click the field search button to select one from a list.
- The selected Business Application Number must be valid and cannot be attached to another AP Vendor.
- Business Application Numbers are specified when new business applications are created on the LP License Maintenance window (LP> Maintenance> License). Click here for information on LP License Maintenance.
- The ACH Status field is used to set up the vendor to receive payments using the Electronic AP process in the Clearing House module (CH> Electronic AP). Click here for information on Electronic AP.
- Security can be set up on these fields in SS> Security> DB Security. The ACH fields are stored in the AP Vendor table in the Accounts Payable module.
- The Type field is used to select either Business or Consumer ACH types.
- The Account No field is the bank account number.
- The Account Type drop-down field is the bank account type.
- The Transfer field is the bank account transfer number.
- The Route field is the bank account route numbers.
- The Check Digit field is the bank account check digit number.
- The Check Discretionary and Alternate Vendor fields are used to record state-specific ACH codes.
- Check the Excise Tax toggle if the invoices associated with this vendor are subject to excise taxes. If this toggle is checked, invoices associated with this vendor can be included in the Excise Tax report.
7 The PO History tab is used to display the purchase order history of the vendor.
- Select a purchase order on the tab and click Excel Export under the Options button if you would like to create an MS Excel spreadsheet of the purchase orders that display in the window.
- Click the purchase order number in the PO Number column to open the Purchase Order window for the selected purchase order.
- Highlight a purchase order in the data grid and click RESEND ELECTRONIC POS to resend the purchase order statements to the vendor if the vendor did not receive them when they were processed in the Purchase Orders process.
- This option will only be active if the vendor is set up to receive electronic purchase orders (AP> Maintenance> Vendor> General tab> Receive purchase orders electronically toggle)
- Click here for information on Purchase Order Statements.
- The Total Purchases field will display the total value of the Amount column for all the purchase orders displayed in the data grid below.
- Check the Show open POs only toggle if only open purchase orders should display on the tab.
- Purchase orders are open until all of the line items have been invoiced. You can also check the Leave Open toggle on the purchase order so the purchase order will not close even after all of the purchase order line items have been invoiced.
- Check the Include 1099 vendor toggle to include invoices that are attached to other vendors, but have been set up to be included on the current vendor's 1099.
- Click the Search button to populate the data grid with the filtered purchase orders.
- The Amount column displays the total purchase order line items that have been used to create an invoice, not the amount that has been invoiced. The invoiced amount may differ from the amount that displays in this column if only a portion of the purchase order has been invoiced, or the total amount on the invoice was modified from the amount on the purchase order.
- If the amount on the invoice line item created by the purchase order was changed, this modification will not update back to the purchase order and will not display in the Amount column.
- This does not apply to contract purchase orders because if the amount is changed when the purchase order is being invoiced, the purchase order will not close until the total amount on the purchase order has been invoiced. If you change the invoice amount to greater than the amount of the purchase order, the purchase order will still close but the invoice amount will be greater than the amount that displays in the Amount column.
8 The Miscellaneous tab is used to enter information on a vendor that is outside
the scope of the current Springbrook version.
- Miscellaneous fields labels are created and maintained using the Miscellaneous Field Labels window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels).
- Click here for information on miscellaneous field maintenance.
9 The AP History tab is used to view the AP Invoices of the vendor.
- The fields in the top section of the window are used to filter the invoices that display in the lower section of the window.
- You can export the information in this grid to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet by clicking EXCEL EXPORT. Click here for information on exporting the information in a grid to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
- Checks that are created and attached to AP module vendors in the Bank Reconciliation module Enter Checks process will not display on this tab (BR> Utilities> Enter Checks). Click here for information on the Enter Checks process.
- The YTD Invoices field displays the total amount invoices during the current calendar year. The
year to date invoice total is calculated using the invoice date.
- When an invoice line item is generated (AP> Invoices> Invoices> Open an invoice> Create), you can attach a different vendor to the line item by selecting a vendor in the 1099 Vendor field. For example, if the invoice is paid to vendor number 001 but the invoice line item is attached to vendor 005, the invoice line item will display on the AP Invoices tab of vendor 005 when the Show 1099 History toggle is checked.
- The Invoices drop-down menu is used to filter paid and unpaid invoices.
- Select Paid if you would like to display all of the invoices that have been paid using the Computer Checks process. Invoices that are in an uncommitted AP Computer Checks batch are considered unpaid until the batch is committed.
- The Status drop-down menu is used to filter the invoices that display on the tab by commit status of the Invoices batch used to create the invoice.
- The Invoice Date From and Invoice Date To fields are used to filter the invoices by date.
- The Invoice Number field is used to filter the invoices by a specific invoice number.
- The Invoice Amount field is used to filter the invoices by a specific invoice amount.
- The Check Date From and Check Date To fields are used to filter the invoices by the check date.
- The Check Number field is used to filter the invoices by a specific check number.
- The Check Amount field is used to filter the invoices by a specific check amount.
- Check the Include 1099 vendor toggle to include invoices that are attached to other vendors, but have been set up to be included on the current vendor's 1099.
- Check the Include P-Card vendor toggle to include P-Card invoices paid by the current vendor when filtering AP invoice history.
- Use the Search button to populate the data grid with the filtered invoices.
10 The Commodity Codes tab is used to attach commodity codes to venders.
- The Commodity Codes tab displays all of the commodity codes currently attached to the selected vendor.
- Select a commodity code and click REMOVE to delete the commodity code from the vendor record.
- Select a commodity code, edit the Primary, Guaranteed Price, Guarantee Start Date, or Guarantee End Date columns, and click UPDATE to update a commodity code.
- Click ADD CODE to add a new commodity code to the vendor record. This will open the Commodity Code Selection window.
- The Commodity Code Selection window will display all the existing commodity codes in the system. Filter the displayed codes by entering the desired data and clicking the Search button .
- Highlight a commodity code and click the Select button to attach the selected code to the vendor.
- Click EDIT to edit the commodity code. This will open the Commodity Code Maintenance window. Click here for information creating new Commodity Codes.
11 The Tag tab is used to attach tags to vendors.
- Tags are used to create user-defined categories for Cirrus entities. For example, AP Vendors could be tagged as Office Supplies, Fire and Rescue, or Heavy Equipment vendors in order to control which employees have access to specific types of vendors and to improve efficiency when working with large numbers of vendors.
- Select a tag and click DELETE to delete the tag from the vendor record.
- Click ADD TAG to add a new tag to the vendor record. This will open the Tag Selection window.
- The Tag Selection window will display all the available tags. Filter the displayed tags by entering the desired data and clicking the Search button .
- Highlight a tag and click the Select button to attach the selected tag to the vendor.
- Attaching a restrictive tag to the vendor will limit which Springbrook users will be able to assign the vendor to invoices, purchase orders, change orders and requisitions.
- Highlight a tag and click EDIT open the Tag Maintenance window. Click here for information on Tag Maintenance.
- Click the Save button when complete.
12 Track any changes made to the vendor record.
- Click the Audit Trail icon to open the Audit Trail window.
- Use the Search Criteria section to sort the displayed audit history.
- The Audit Trail section will provide details about any changes made to a vendor record including the date of the change, type of change made, user that made the change, and data table that was edited.
- Click here for information on the Audit Trail window.