AP> Void Checks

Void Checks




The Void Checks process is used to void committed Accounts Payable module checks that have not been cleared in the Bank Reconciliation module (BR> Clear Transactions). If a check has been cleared in the Bank Reconciliation module and you would like to void it, unclear the check using the Undo Cleared Checks process (BR> Utilities> Undo Cleared Checks), and then void the check in the Accounts Payable module.


The Void Checks process can also be used to void Electronic AP transactions that have not been committed in an Electronic AP batch (CH> Electronic AP). Since the cash account attached to the electronic check is not credited until the Electronic AP batch is committed, voiding an uncommitted electronic check in the Void Checks process will reverse the accounts payable and expense generated by the invoice line item being paid on the electronic check. Voiding a committed Electronic AP check will require a manual journey entry and a reversal of the associated Bank Reconciliation transaction.


If there is PM module information attached to the invoices on the checks that are being voided, those PM module transactions will be reversed when the batch is committed. If you move the invoices on the voided checks to an open AP module Invoices batch, the PM module transactions will be regenerated when the AP module Invoices batch is committed because the PM module information will still be attached to those invoices.


Related Links


Click here for information on the Undo Cleared Checks process.

Click here for information on the BR module Clear Transactions process.


Step by Step