Cirrus BR> Reports> Deposit History

Deposit History Report




The Deposit History report displays a listing of Bank Reconciliation module deposits. The report will include deposits receipted through the Receipt Deposits process (BR> Receipt Deposits) or entered using the Enter Deposits window (BR> Utilities> Enter Deposits).


The Receipt Deposits process is used to deposit the receipts made using the Cash Receipts module. The Enter Deposits window is generally used to enter adjustments or deposits into the Bank Reconciliation module that have not been processed in other modules in the application.


The Deposit History Report will display the current balance of each bank account included on the report. The Current Balance field that displays on the report will only include cleared transactions, so only cleared deposits will be included in the current balance. For example, if a deposit has been created in the Enter Deposits window (BR> Utilities> Enter Deposit) but has not been cleared using the Clear Transactions process (BR> Clear Transactions), the deposit amount will display on the report but will not affect the balance that displays in the Current Balance field. If you process the deposit in the Clear Transactions process, the current balance will be affected by the deposit amount.


Related Links


Click here for information on the Cirrus Jobs Viewer page.


Step by Step


1     Open the Deposit History Report window (BR> Reports> Deposit History).