CH> Direct Deposits

Direct Deposits - Pre-Notes




The Pre-Notes process is used to verify that the bank account information entered on the employee records is correct before you process direct deposits. After the bank account information has been entered on the employee records (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Deduction tab), you should process those employees in a pre-note batch. The Pre-note process will create transactions with zero dollar amounts in order to verify that the bank account information is correct.


The transactions will be placed in an ASCII file. The format of that ASCII file will vary depending on your ACH processing bank (this is a relationship you will have to set up with a bank in order to process direct deposits). Your bank will probably send you some documentation on the expected format of that file. You will generally be able to use the toggles on the Export ACH File window (CH> Direct Deposits> Export ACH File) to create that file. Once the file has been generated, send the file to your bank (your bank will determine how they would like to receive the file). The bank will process the file and verify that the bank account information on the employee records is correct.


When creating a pre-note batch in the Direct Deposits process, do not mix pre-note transactions with standard direct deposit transactions in the same batch. When you create a pre-note export file, you must check the Generate with zero amounts toggle. This toggle zeros out all of the direct deposits amounts in the batch and modifies the format of the export file. If there are standard direct deposit transactions in the batch, they will not be processed correctly.


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