CH> Unresolved Transactions
Unresolved Transactions
In the event that something goes wrong at the bank, a transaction or set of transactions that have been committed in the Clearing House module may need to be reversed out of the general ledger and reissued. Use the Unresolve Transactions process to reverse these cleared transactions.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Payroll Void Checks process.
Step by Step
- Open the Unresolved Transactions window (CH> Unresolved Transactions). The Batches window will display all the open Unresolved Transactions batches.
- Click here for information on Batch Processing.
- Select a batch and click DETAILS to open the selected batch.
- Select a batch and click the Delete button to delete the selected batch.
- Click the Create New Batch button to create a new batch. This will open the Create Batch window.
- If there are open batches in the Unresolved Transactions process, you can create a new batch without affecting the open batches.
- The Batch Month and Batch Year fields default to the current calendar period and are used for reference only.
- Click CREATE to create the new Unresolved Transactions batch.
The Batch Overview page provides a general overview of the selected batch.
The left navigation menu displays all the steps in the Unresolved Transactions process.
In the main section you'll see information about batch steps that are currently processing, next available batch steps, and the last completed batch step.
Batch steps that are currently processing will display a blue indicator bar to alert you that the step has not yet completed.
Once the preceding batch step is complete, the next available batch steps will be enabled and you can select the next step you would like to run.
While some batch steps are optional, any batch step that includes the Required tag must be completed before the batch is allowed to proceed through to the Commit step.
The Batch Outputs section on the right will display any reports or exports that have already been generated in the Unresolved Transactions process.
- Open the Select Transactions window (CH> Unresolved Transactions> Select Transactions).
- Enter a Batch Number or click the field search button to select one from a list.
- Highlight the desired batch and click the Select button to return to the Select Transactions window.
- Once a batch is selected in the Batch Number field, the data grid below will display all of the transactions included in the selected batch.
- Check the toggle next to each transaction you would like to include in the Unresolved Transactions batch.
- Check the toggle in the header row to select or deselect all the displayed transactions.
- Click the Submit button when all of the desired transactions are selected.
- Open the Unresolved Transactions Proof List Report window (CH> Unresolved Transactions> Proof List).
- There are no print options for the Unresolved Transactions proof list.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- The report will display the Employee/Vendor Number, Name, Account Number, and Amount for each included transaction. A report total will also be provided.
- Open the Unresolved Transactions GL Distribution Report window (CH> Unresolved Transactions> GL Distribution).
- Select the Journal Entry Date from the drop-down menu.
- The date you enter in this field will determine the fiscal period and year that the journal entries from this batch will be posted to.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- The report will display the Account Number, Debit Amount, Credit Amount, Account Description, and Report Total.
- Open the Commit Unresolved Transactions window (CH> Unresolved Transactions> Commit).
- A payroll transaction can be issued using Accounts Payable if the reissue check amount is the same as the original check.
- If the reissue check is for a different amount than the original check, then the original check will have to be voided using the Payroll Void Check process. This will void the check history from the employee.
- Click the Commit button to commit the batch. The process is now complete and the checks are ready to be reissued.