GL> Maintenance> Query Manager Groups
Query Manger Groups Maintenance
Query Manager Groups are used to organize query manager reports into user-specified groups and sub groups. These groups and sub groups of query manager reports can then be generated all at once from the Query Manager Report window (GL> Reports> Query Manager).
For example, an organization could create a Query Manager Group for grouping expense vs. budget reports and Sub Groups for grouping specific types of expense vs. budget reports. They could then use the Query Manager reporting tool to set up monthly expense vs. budget reports for the whole organization, for each department, and for individual teams within departments. By adding those reports to their own Sub Groups, they can be printed all at once as a sub group. In the event that all expense vs. budget reports need to printed at once, you can simply select the expense vs. budget Group and not select a Sub Group. All the reports in the Group will be printed with the specified report parameters.
Related Links
Click here for information on Set Maintenance.
Click here for information on VRI reports.
Step by Step
- Open the Query Manager Groups Selection window (GL> Maintenance> Query Manger Groups).
- The Query Manager Groups Selection window will display all of the groups that have been created in the database.
- Select a group and click DELETE to delete the selected group.
- When a query manager group is deleted, it is removed from any query manager reports it has been associated with.
- Select a group and click EDIT to edit the selected group.
- Click the Create Query Manager Group button to create a new group. This will launch the Query Manager Groups Maintenance window.
- Enter a unique Group name. This is a required field and can be up to 20 alphanumeric characters long.
- Groups can contain as many sub groups as needed. However, a Query Manager report can only be included in one Group.
- Enter a group Description. This is an optional field and can be up to 128 alphanumeric characters long.
- Click ADD to add a Sub Group to the Query Manager Group. This will create a new line item in the Sub Groups section below.
- Enter a Sub Group name for the new sub group.
- Sub groups are used to organize Query Manager reports within larger groups of reports. Each Query Manager report can only be included in a single sub group.
- This is a required field and can accommodate up to 20 characters.
- Enter an optional Description for the sub group.
- Click UPDATE to save the new sub group to the query manager group.
- Repeat this process to add additional sub groups to the query manger group.
- Enter a Sub Group name for the new sub group.
- Click the Save button when complete.