GL> Utilities> Refresh Beginning Balances

Refresh Beginning Balances




The Refresh Beginning Balances feature (GL> Utilities> Refresh Beginning Balances) is used to update the beginning balances of the fund balance accounts in the current fiscal year after you have committed a batch or journal entry in a prior fiscal year. The beginning balances of asset and liability general ledger accounts update automatically as transactions are posted to previous fiscal years, so this process does affect those accounts.


When you roll the general ledger to a new fiscal year, the revenue and expense accounts are rolled into the fund balance accounts. If you create a journal entry in the previous fiscal year after rolling the general ledger into a new fiscal year, the beginning balances of the fund balance accounts in the current fiscal year will have to be refreshed to reflect the new transactions.


You can view the current beginning balance of a general ledger account in GL> Maintenance> Chart of Accounts> Balance tab> Beginning Balance field.


Related Links


Click here for information on the Chart of Accounts Maintenance window.

Click here for information on the GL module setup.

Step by Step


1     Open the Refresh Beginning Balances window (GL> Utilities> Refresh Beginning Balances).