PM> Reports> Task By Project
Task By Project Report
This report will print a list of tasks by project giving the Hours, Expense, and Revenue amounts for each task.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Task Maintenance window.
Click here for information on LEMS Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Task by Project window (PM> Reports> Task by Project).
2 Configure the report.
- Select a range of projects in the Project From and Project To fields to filter the report by project.
- Click the Projects field search buttons to select the projects from a list.
- You can view which project a task is attached to in the Task Maintenance window (PM> Maintenance> Task> Open a task> Project field). Click here for information on the Task Maintenance window.
- The Task field is used filter the report by a specific task.
- The Misc 1, 2, and 3 fields are user defined and inactive until configured. Set up these field values on the Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance window (SS> Utilities> Miscellaneous Field Labels). Click here for information on Miscellaneous Field Label Maintenance.
- Enter a Date range, Period range, and Fiscal Year.
- By default fiscal information will populate in the Period Range and Fiscal Year fields. Clear out the values in those fields if you do not want to filter the report by fiscal period and year.
- Use the LEMS fields to select the LEMS codes you would like to include on the report.
- If you print the report in summary format, the selected LEMS codes will add columns on the report to display the selected LEMS code.
- If you print the report in detail format, only the detail line items of the selected LEMS codes will display on the report. The summary at the end of each task and project will also only include LEMS codes that have been included in the report.
- Check the Show all detail lines toggle to display all LEMS codes on the report. This option disables the individual LEMS filters.
- Select the desired Report Type.
- The Summary report will display the Label, Code, and Description for each task. The report will also provide a Total Amount.
- The Detail report will display everything included in the Summary report as well as Date, Amount, ALFRE designation, LEMS code, System, Hours, Description, Reference Number/Name, and Line Item Description.
- Configure how the report will be organized by selecting a Sort By value from the drop-down menu. The options in this menu are determined by the user-defined miscellaneous labels.
- Check the Subtotal by Task Group toggle to include subtotals in the report.
- Check the Page break by Project Label toggle to begin a new page for each project label. While Project Label is the default, this toggle will change to reflect the sort method selected in the Sort By drop-down menu.
- Check the Print total remaining LEMS toggle to add a column to the Summary report labeled Other that will display the total of all other LEMS codes that have not been included on the report. If you are printing the report in Detail format the total summary at the end of each task and project on the report will display a totals row labeled Other which will display a total of all LEMS codes not included on the report. Click here for information on LEMS Maintenance.
- Check the Include budgeted items with no history toggle to include budgeted tasks with no activity on the History tab (PM> Maintenance> Task> Open a task> History tab).
- Check the Show employee full name toggle to display both the employee's first and last name in the Reference field for any records in the detailed version of the report that include PR information.
- When this toggle is not checked, only the employee's last name will be displayed on these records which can lead to confusion when agencies employ more than one person with the same last name.
3 Print the report.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.