PR> Multiple Worksites
Multiple Worksites Process
The Multiple Worksites Process is used to report on employee quarterly wage data sorted by worksite or department. This process is also used to generate the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages export file required by the Department of Labor.
Related Links
Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
Click here for information on Pay Code Maintenance.
Click here for information on Deduction/Benefit Maintenance.
Step by Step
- Open the Multiple Worksites window (PR> Multiple Worksites). The Batches window will display all the open Multiple Worksites batches.
- Click here for information on Batch Processing.
- Select a batch and click DETAILS to open the selected batch.
- Select a batch and click the Delete button to delete the selected batch.
- Click the Create New Batch button to create a new batch. This will open the Create Batch window.
- If there are open batches in the Multiple Worksites process, you can create a new batch without affecting the open batches.
- The Batch Month and Batch Year fields default to the current date and are used for reference only and do not affect the batch.
- Click the Create button to create the new Multiple Worksites batch.
The Batch Overview page provides a general overview of the selected batch.
The left navigation menu displays all the steps in the Multiple Worksites process.
In the main section you'll see information about batch steps that are currently processing, next available batch steps, and the last completed batch step.
Batch steps that are currently processing will display a blue indicator bar to alert you that the step has not yet completed.
Once the preceding batch step is complete, the next available batch steps will be enabled and you can select the next step you would like to run.
While some batch steps are optional, any batch step that includes the Required tag must be completed before the batch is allowed to proceed through to the Commit step.
The Batch Outputs section on the right will display any reports or exports that have already been generated in the Multiple Worksites process.
- Open the Generate window (PR> Multiple Worksites> Generate).
- This window is used to generate the multiple worksite calculations used in the batch process. These calculations are based on employee quarterly wages including relevant benefits and deductions.
- The Year and Quarter fields are used to filter the multiple worksites batch by year and quarter. The paychecks will be included into quarters and years based on the date type selected in the Date to Use field below
- The Date to Use field is used to select the type of date that will be used to
filter the paychecks included in the batch.
- Select Batch if you would like to filter the paychecks by the batch month and batch year used when creating the checks.
- Select Check if you would like to filter the paychecks by check date.
- Select Period End if you would like to filter the paychecks by the period end date of the batch used to generate the checks.
- The Total By field is used to determine if the paychecks in the batch will total by the department or the location/worksite the included employees are assigned to.
- Employees that are not assigned to a department or a location/worksite will not be included in the batch.
- Employees are assigned to a department or location/worksite on the Employee Maintenance window (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab> Department and/or Location field). Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
- The Unemployment Gross field is used to select the unemployment gross wage.
- All pay codes and benefits with the Affect toggle checked on the selected unemployment will increase the unemployment gross wages.
- All deductions with the Affect toggle checked on the selected unemployment will decrease the unemployment gross wages.
- Click the Submit button to generate the multiple worksite calculations. You can view the progress of the generate job on the Job Viewer window.
- Open the Edit Multiple Worksites window (PR> Multiple Worksites> Edit).
- This window will display all of the multiple worksite records in the open batch.
- Highlight a record and click DELETE to remove the selected record from the batch.
- Use the fields in the Edit section to the right to edit a highlighted record in the data grid.
- The Worksite Description field cannot be edited.
- The Quarterly Wages field is used to edit the total quarterly wages associated with the selected worksite.
- The Month 1, 2, and 3 Employees fields are used to edit the monthly number of employees included in the quarter for the selected worksite.
- NOTE: Any changes made to an individual worksite record will not be reflected in the records of the employees associated with that worksite. As a result, any edits will result in proof list discrepancies between the edited worksite values and the individual employee values that were used to generate the original worksite values.
- Click SAVE when all of the desired worksite edits are entered.
- Open the Multiple Worksites Proof List window (PR> Multiple Worksites> Proof List).
- Select the Report Type from the drop-down menu.
- The Summary report will display the Worksite Description, Month 1 Count, Month 2 Count, Month 3 Count, and Quarterly Wages for each record included in the batch. The report will also display a Report Total for the Quarterly Wages column.
- The Detail report will display everything included in the Summary report as well as the Employee Number, Employee Name, and Quarterly Wages for each employee associated with an included worksite.
- Once the required report settings have been specified, click the Print button to print your report.
- Click the options arrow on the right side of the Print button to see other print options.
- Select PDF to print the report in the default Springbrook format.
- Select Excel to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet as unformatted data.
- Select Excel (Formatted) to export the report data to an Excel spreadsheet that includes much of the Springbrook formatting found on the printed version of the report.
- Click the Schedule icon next to the Print button in order to schedule the report to generate at a later date and time.
- Enter a Date and Time to generate the report and click SUBMIT.
- Open the Export Multiple Worksites window (PR> Multiple Worksites> Export).
- The Export step is used to export the multiple worksite records. There are no configuration options for the export file.
- Click the Submit button to generate the export file.
- Once the export has finished processing, you can download the file from the notification link or the Jobs Viewer.