PR> Utilities> Employee Mass Update
PR Employee Mass Update Wizard
The Employee Mass Update Wizard is used to update a number of employee records at the same time.
Related Links
Click here for information on Employee Maintenance.
Step by Step
1 Open the Employee Mass Update Wizard (PR> Utilities> Employee Mass Update).
- The first step of the mass update process is to select the employees that will be updated.
- Click ADD to add employees to the wizard.
- This will launch the Employee Selection window.
- Enter any desired employee details in the search criteria and click the Search button to filter the employees displayed in the data grid below.
- Select the employees that should be included in the mass update process.
- Use the CTRL or SHIFT key select multiple employees.
- Click the Select button to add the selected employees to the wizard
- The selected employees will now be displayed on the first step of the mass update process.
- To remove an employee, highlight the employee and click DELETE.
- Click the Next button to proceed to the next step.
2 Complete the Field Selection step.
- The Field Selection step is used to select which fields will be updated for the included employees. At least one field must be selected in order to update the employee records.
- When a field is selected, it will be updated for every employee selected in the previous step. If a field is selected and then left blank, the previous value will be deleted from that field and the field will be blank on every included employee record.
- The Miscellaneous section displays all of the miscellaneous fields available on the employee record (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Miscellaneous tab).
- The General section displays the Supervisor field (PR> Maintenance> Employee> General tab) and the FLSA Exempt and Work Period fields (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Overtime tab).
- The Retirement section displays the employee retirement fields (PR> Maintenance> Employee> Retirement tab).
- Once all of the desired fields are selected, click the Next button to continue.
3 Complete the Miscellaneous Information step.
- The Miscellaneous Information step is used to enter new values for the miscellaneous fields selected during the Field Selection step.
- Character fields are limited to 30 alphanumeric characters.
- Decimal fields are limited to 12 numeric characters including two after the decimal.
- Date fields are limited to valid dates.
- Logical fields that are checked on this window will also be checked on the included employee records.
- Click the Next button to continue.
4 Complete the General Information step.
- The General Information step is used to enter new values for the general fields selected during the Field Selection step.
- The Supervisor field is used to associate a new supervisor with the employee records.
- The Location field is used to associate a new location with the employee records.
- The Work Period field is used to associate the employees with an existing work period.
- The FLSA Exempt toggle is used to mark the included employees as exempt from overtime rules.
- Click the Next button to continue.
5 Complete the Retirement Information step.
- The Retirement Information step is used to enter new values for the retirement fields selected during the Field Selection step.
- These codes, reporting groups, types and plan codes are state specific and user defined.
- Click the Next button to continue.
6 Review the updates.
- The Update Review step is used to review the changes before updating all of the included records.
- Expand an employee to display the field being updated, the old value in that field, and the new value that will populate that field once the update is complete.
- If any of the values need to be edited, use the Back button to return to the desired step.
- Click the Finish button to complete the mass update process.
- The included employee records will now all display the updated field values.