PR> Utilities> State Deduction Utility
State Deduction Utility
The State Deduction Utility is used to find and update any Payroll checks that include state wages but do not include the required state deduction. These checks can prevent your quarterly wage reports from matching your state wage reports. By using this tool to find those checks and update them with zero-dollar state deductions, you can generate accurate wage reports.
Step by Step
1 Open the State Deduction Utility window (PR> Utilities> State Deduction Utility).
2 Search for PR checks without attached state deductions.
- Specify a Calendar Year for the utility to search.
- Specify the Deduction that is associated with the state deduction required on the individual payroll checks.
- Some organizations with two state deduction codes, such as those with employees in two states, may need to run this utility twice in order to locate all checks that need to be updated.
- Click the Refresh button to populate the data grid below with the checks missing the specified deduction.
3 Update the selected PR checks.
- Once the data grid displays the payroll checks that are missing the required deductions, check the box in the Selected column for each check that should be updated with a zero-dollar state deduction.
- Click the Save button to update the selected checks.
- Once the checks are updated, those wages will be included in the quarterly wage report.