TC> Maintenance> Exemption Maintenance
Exemption Maintenance
Exemptions represent a reduction in property tax bills for certain specified reasons. The Exemption Maintenance window provides list of exemption codes that are maintained in the system. Exemptions that are applied to a specific bill are displayed on the bill's Exemption tab.
Related Links
Click here for information on the Bill Maintenance Exemption tab.
Step by Step
1 Open the Exemption window (TC> Maintenance> Exemption).
- The Exemption window displays all of the exemptions that have been set up in the database.
- Select an exemption and click DELETE to delete the selected exemption.
- Select an exemption and click EDIT open the Exemption Maintenance window and edit the existing exemption.
- Click the Create Exemption button to open the Exemption Maintenance window and create a new exemption.
2 Create an Exemption.
- The Exemption Code field is used to enter a user-defined exemption code, such as 41101 for Veteran.
- Once an exemption has been saved, the Exemption Code field cannot be edited.
- The Description field is used to enter a description for the exemption code, such as VETERAN for exemption code 41101.
- The Priority field is used to set the priority for the exemption code.
- First – This exemption will be applied before any exemptions with a priority of second and last.
- Second – This exemption will be applied after all the exemptions with a priority of first are applied, and before any exemptions with a priority of last.
- Last – This exemption will be applied after any exemptions with a priority of first and second.
- The Type field is used to specify how the exemption amount will be calculated.
- Variable – The exemption amount can be a different dollar amount for each parcel. The exact amount of the exemption is entered for each parcel.
- Percentage – The exemption amount is defined as a percentage of the assessed value. The system will prompt for the standard percentage to be applied to the assessed value.
- When Percentage is selected, the Type Value field will be enabled and a percentage amount can be entered for exemption.
- Fixed Dollar Amount – The exemption amount is the same dollar amount for each parcel. The system will prompt for the Fixed Dollar amount for the exemption.
- When Fixed Dollar Amount is selected, the Type Value field will be enabled and a fixed dollar amount can be entered for exemption.
- The Max Amt field is used to enter the maximum dollar amount that this exemption can be for any parcel.
- Check the Apply To Taxables toggle to indicate the exemption is applicable the type of assessed value selected below.
- Check the County, Town, and/or School toggles to indicate the exemption is applicable to the selected entity.
- Click the Save button once the exemption details are complete.