TC> Maintenance> Purpose Codes Maintenance
Purpose Codes Maintenance
The Purpose Code Maintenance screen is used to create and maintain user-defined purpose codes.
Step by Step
- The Purpose Codes window displays all of the purpose codes that have been set up in the database.
- Select a Purpose Code and click DELETE to delete the selected Purpose Code.
- Select a Purpose Code and click EDIT to edit the selected Purpose Code. This will open the Purpose Code Maintenance screen.
- Click the Create Purpose Code button to create a new Purpose Code.
- The Purpose Code field is used to enter a user-defined code to identify the purpose or service of this rate, such as REAL for Real Estate Tax.
- The Description field is used to enter a description for the Purpose Code, such as REAL TAX for Real Estate Tax.
- Check the Ext Required toggle to require that at lease one extension must be identified below. When the Purpose Code is added to the Year/Sequence Rate screen, it can only be added if one of the extensions identified below is specified.
- The Extensions section is used to enter an extension code for an Other Taxable Purpose (Special District).
- Click ADD EXTENSION to create a new extension line item. This will open the Edit Purpose Extension section below.
- The Ext field is used to enter or select the Extension Code for this type of Purpose. Click the field search button to select an extension from a list. Valid extensions include:
AC The number of acres defined in the parcel record.
SQ The frontage of the parcel times the depth.
FE A fixed fee for all parcels.
TO A default to the parcel's total assessment value.
MT The amount placed on the COMPASS master file is moved directly to the tax bill and collection if the rate is 1.00.
LD A default to the parcel's assessed land value.
IM A default to the parcel's assessed improvement value.
CR A tax amount entered on your Compass Master File.
F1 The frontage of the parcel, up to the 1st breakpoint.
F2 The frontage of the parcel, up to the 2nd breakpoint.
F3 The frontage of the parcel, up to the 3rd breakpoint.
F4 The frontage / any value beyond the 3rd breakpoint.
U1 The unit of the OTX portion of a parcel, to the 1st breakpoint.
U2 The unit of the OTX portion of a parcel, up to the 2nd breakpoint.
U3 The unit of the OTX portion of a parcel, up to the 3rd breakpoint.
U4 The unit of the OTX portion of parcel/beyond 3rd breakpoint.
S1 The 2nd unit of OTX portion of parcel up to 1st breakpoint.
S2 The 2nd unit of OTX portion of parcel up to 2nd breakpoint.
S3 The 2nd unit of OTX portion of parcel up to 3rd breakpoint.
S4 The 2nd unit of OTX portion of parcel/beyond the 3rd breakpoint.
TM The maximum allowable amount of the Total Tax Bill on a parcel.
HC A credit tax amount entered in the Compass Master File.
- The Description field is used to enter a description for the Purpose Code and Extension, such as PRELIM REAL for Purpose Code REAL with Ext MT.
- The District field is used to enter or select the District Code associated with this Purpose Code and Ext Code. Click the field search button to select district from a list.
- Click the Save button to save the new Purpose Code.